1. Map the likely evolution of the BRICs. What indicators might companies monitor to guide their investments and actions?
2. What are the implications of the emergence of the BRICs for careers and companies in your country?
3. Do you think recency bias has led to overestimating the potential of the BRICs? How would you, as a manager for a company assessing these markets, try to control this bias?
4. How might managers interpret the potential for their product in a market that is, in absolute economic terms, large but, on a per capita basis, characterized by a majority of poor to very poor
In summary, the emergence of the BRICs signals that the next generation of economic development of the global economy will be a thrilling ride. Even if the BRICs come close to reaching their apparent potential, their success will redefine the structure of economic environments, patterns of growth, and dynamics of economic activity.
1. Map the likely evolution of the BRICs. What indicators might companies monitor to guide their investments and actions?
2. What are the implications of the emergence of the BRICs for careers and companies in your country?
3. Do you think recency bias has led to overestimating the potential of the BRICs? How would you, as a manager for a company assessing these markets, try to control this bias?
4. How might managers interpret the potential for their product in a market that is, in absolute economic terms, large but, on a per capita basis, characterized by a majority of poor to very poor
In summary, the emergence of the BRICs signals that the next generation of economic development of the global economy will be