The problem Quindlen has is Child Hunger. The entire essay is about child hunger in america. In the first paragraph she was talking about public service announcements on child hunger, and that there were a fairly unanimous response from the participants. With what seems like a sarcastic tone she says “Not here. Not in America, if there was we would hear about it by reading it in papers or seeing it on the news and we would fix it.” Anna questions the slogan The Sooner You Believe It, The Sooner We Can End It.
Child Hunger is spread WorldWide nothing can be done about you can’t end it. Anna brought up research about it. She said that kids don’t get enough to eat no matter where they are. For the rest of the school year
15 Million students get free or cut-rate lunches some get breakfast as well. But only 3 million are getting lunches throughout the federal summer lunch program.
The Agriculture Department (AD) estimated in 1999 approximately 12 million that were hungry or going hungry. In the year 2000 requests for food assistance from families increased by 20 percent more than any time in the last decade. In Connecticut the food bank gave away four thousand more turkeys than the year before and still ran out of birds. While the Christmas holidays make for heartrending copy, summer is really ground zero for keeping food in the stomach of a young one.
Anna Quindlen was thinking of all the children while writing this. World hunger goes on day and night and has no feelings attacks whatever it can. The children should be getting food not starving and i think the problem Anna Quindlen has is she doesn’t want the kids starving.