Quiz 1
1. Is aggression an innate and deterministic quality from birth, or is it something that one that all can control, as a matter of free will and choice, to be used when we need it in a calculated manner? At birth all people are born with aggression as a survival trait. As we educate ourselves as we have seen in the video “The Truth About Violence” even in an educated culture such as the United States we still have violence. Violent people and we are drawn to violent sports such as cage fighting and football. Even the most mild manner people who don’t like violence in movies, sports or anywhere else can find enjoyment from participating in violence. When a person results to violence I don’t believe they can control the amount of aggression that they have. In my opinion it is never a calculated amount. This is why we have crime of passion and people become violent and do things that they will have never did if they would not have lost their temper or snapped as some people call it. Depending on the persons upbringing and education level determines how much it will take or how long before a person will lose their temper. The society that a person is raised in has a lot to do with their aggression level. In certain countries where violence is accepted and even rewarded the individual learns that it is ok to celebrate violence and participate in it. It will bring certain people adrenaline rushes so they will seek it if it’s not taught that there is a time and a place for everything.
2. Identify and explain the major issues regarding accurately predicting crime trends and the future of the “criminal man,” as illustrated in Bennett’s work, Crimewarps, in our text. Some of the major issues with trying to identify the issues is that no one can predict the future. It is difficult to predict the future trends based on the demographics of today. We can speculate on what we think will happen but that is not a guarantee of what will happen. I don’t believe that we can predict