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Quiz: Grammatical Number and Verb

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Quiz: Grammatical Number and Verb

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DIRECTIONS: Read each sentences. Circle the correct verb so that subject agrees with it. Some of the items provide clues, use them to guide you in answering.

1: The rhythm of the pounding waves (is, are) calming. (Clue: Make the subject and verb agree when words intervene between them.)

2: All of the dogs in the neighbourhood (was, were)barking. (Clue: Make the subject and verb agree when words intervene between them.)

3: A high tax, not to mention unemployment,(influence, influences)votes. (Clue: The grammatical number of the subject does not change with the addition of expressions beginning with such words as the following: accompanied by, along with, as well as, in addition to, including, no less than, not to mention, together with.)

4: My friends and my mother (like, Likes)each other. (Clue: Subjects joined by and are usually plural.)

5: The team and the band (was, were) on the field. (Clue: Subjects joined by and are usually plural.)

6: Building a good marriage and building a good log fire (is, are) similar in many ways. (Clue: Subjects joined by and are usually plural.)

7: John or Doris (write, writes)to us regularly. (Clue: Singular subjects joined by or, either . . . or, neither . . . nor take a singular verb.)

8: Either Patty or Tom (was,were) asked to lead the meeting. (Clue: Singular subjects joined by or, either . . . or, neither . . . nor take a singular verb.)

9: Neither Carol nor Ted (is, are) excluded from the meeting. (Clue: Singular subjects joined by or, either . . . or, neither . . . nor take a singular verb.)

10: Neither the basket nor the apples ( was, were) expensive. (Clue: If one subject is singular and one is plural, the verb agrees with the nearer subject.)

11: Neither the apples nor the basket(was, were) expensive. (Clue: If one subject is singular and one is plural, the verb agrees with the nearer subject.)

12: Either Maria or you (was, were) late for class. (Clue: The verb also agrees with the nearer subject in person.)

13: Either you or Maria ( was,were) late for class.

14: Hardest hit by the high temperatures and drought (was, were) the farmers.

15: Neither of them( like, likes) going to the show.

16: Each of them (has, have) a good seat.

17: Everybody in the class (has, have) tickets.

18: Every silver knife, fork, and spoon(has, have) to be counted.

19: Each cat and each dog (has, have) its own toy.

20: The committee (is, are) meeting today.


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