Quotes From The Documentary The Mask You Live In
This quote from the documentary “The Mask You Live In” means our societies ideas of gender specific roles establish a conflict in society. This quote also means that our society is fearful of the reality that our social world dictates gender. Getting nails painted is an activity that is hyper-feminized. Most men do not get their nails painted because it would be considered “girly”. Our culture has developed black and white lines that constitute what is feminine and masculine. Our society as a whole has fostered these regulations. People's personal views dictate these rules because men and women are trying to fit the idea of how they should act to match society. I think it is a good thing that it is considered socially unacceptable for
men to get their nails done. I think men and women are relieved that this is not admissible in our society. If all men were to start getting their nails done, I think it would be too drastic of a change for our culture to adjust to.