If I live to be one hundred years old, I will never understand why the quote "It is what it is" is so prevalent, frequent and so widely used! Any situation that we can't handle or change, when brought to God is in His Hands to do what only He can do!!
Our life in Jesus Christ makes what is impossible to us, not only doable with Christ, but incredibly, extraordinarily and mind-boggling to see!! All of our doubts and fears are just evil tricks from the devil himself, meant to leave us not only empty but discouraged!
As a child I learned an invaluable and priceless lesson through prayer! I overheard my mother talking and saying she didn't have anything to give us for lunch, not even butter and bread. With a childlike faith, I went right to my bedroom and prayed a simple childlike prayer. It went something like this: …show more content…
My mom says we don't even have bread for a butter and bread lunch. Would you please send us bread... and since your going to send it, could you please send us some "Wonder Bread? Amen."
I had seen the colorful dotted truck deliver delicious and warm bread on a television commercial. So as soon as my prayer was done, I ran to the living room window and waited for the truck and the bread to arrive.
As time passed and no bread came, I went back to my bedroom again to ask God for bread and this time I told God that I would take any kind of bread that He had to give to us. Once again, I was at the window waiting for a neighbor or maybe a truck to deliver bread to us, but neither