-how important is the problem been addressed?
Is the solution been offered is of high importance to the customer’s?
Whether they conducted any research or survey about the need of the product?
Did the outcome of the survey give good indication that the product is of high importance?
Does the customers have any other solution to the problem?
Are customers willing to pay for the solution offered?
How adequate is the solution that the company has offered?
Is the solution offered by the company is unique?
Is the company’s solution is clear and easy to understand?
How long –lasting is the solution that the company offers?
What is the customer base/significance of the target market?
How can the company stand up againist its competetors?
Is the market pool an estimated 30 million business to large enough to sustain?
Are there enough customers to help to reach a significant sales amount per year?
Can the company defend their position in the intial market?
Is the company aiming to launch its products worldwide?
How does the solution offered by the company stack up against solutions offered by companies already in operation?
Its solution is an improvement on existing solution available?
Is there is clear sign of other companies coming up to solve the same problem?
Has the company studied the strategy of other competitors?
Has there been a clear identification of the risk involved and how would they be addressed?
-are there any risks at all and have they been addressed?
6 does the company have a good business plan? Or is there defined business plan?
Does the company received any grants to finance research and operations
How soon the company plans to reach the breakeven point? 2,3 0r 5 years?
Have the targets and goals been set up systematically to ensure less expenditure and timely completion?
8 does the company has people who can execute the business plan?