Test design
The test consists of up to 125 items, divided into four parts:
Social/personal: aspects of socialisation inside and outside the home - eg, smiling.
Fine motor function: eye/hand co-ordination, and manipulation of small objects - eg, grasping and drawing.
Language: production of sounds, and ability to recognise, understand and use language - eg, ability to combine words
Gross motor functions: motor control, sitting, walking, jumping, and other movements
What differentiates the DENVER II from other screening tests?
It enables the tester to compare a child's development with that of over 2,000 children who were in the standardised population, like a growth curve.
It consists of items in which a sub-sample (race, less educated parents, gender and place of residence), which varied a clinically significant amount from the composite sample, are identified and their norms provided in the DENVER II Technical Manual.
It provides a broad variety of standardised items to give a quick overview of the child's development.
It also contains a behaviour rating scale.
The test is primarily based upon an examiner's actual observation rather than parental report.
PatientPlus o
Newborn Screening
No special training is required.
The test takes approximately 20 minutes to administer and interpret.
There may be some variation in time taken, depending on both the age and co-operation of the child.
Interviews can be performed by almost anyone who works with children and medical professionals.
The items are recorded through direct observations of the child plus, for some points, the mother reports whether the child is capable of performing a given task.
Younger infants can sit on their mother's lap.
The test should be given slowly.
Interpretation of the test
The data are presented as age norms, similar to a growth curve.
Draw a vertical line at the child's chronological age on the charts; if the