Rudd communicated a national desire to “turn a new chapter” and right the wrongs of the past, and highlighted the significance of reconciliation in this process. In 1992, Keating emphasised the restoration of honesty and recognition delivered through the Mabo Judgement. In a protraction of that honesty and respect of Indigenous history, Kevin Rudd addressed past injustices, and apologised for the grief caused by “the laws and policies of successive parliaments and governments” that enforced the legal removal of Indigenous Australian children from their families – the Stolen Generations. Rudd offered this apology in the spirit of “the healing of the nation” and moving on from a history of grief. Rudd encouraged society to “embrace a new partnership with Indigenous Australia”, and emphasised the need to “close the gap in life expectancy, educational achievement and employment opportunities”. In 2009, the Australian Government introduced a Healing Foundation to provide funds to address trauma and heal Indigenous communities, particularly those affected by the Stolen Generations. Kevin Rudd’s speech expressed a restoration dignity and respect towards Indigenous Australians, which later lead to practical change in
Rudd communicated a national desire to “turn a new chapter” and right the wrongs of the past, and highlighted the significance of reconciliation in this process. In 1992, Keating emphasised the restoration of honesty and recognition delivered through the Mabo Judgement. In a protraction of that honesty and respect of Indigenous history, Kevin Rudd addressed past injustices, and apologised for the grief caused by “the laws and policies of successive parliaments and governments” that enforced the legal removal of Indigenous Australian children from their families – the Stolen Generations. Rudd offered this apology in the spirit of “the healing of the nation” and moving on from a history of grief. Rudd encouraged society to “embrace a new partnership with Indigenous Australia”, and emphasised the need to “close the gap in life expectancy, educational achievement and employment opportunities”. In 2009, the Australian Government introduced a Healing Foundation to provide funds to address trauma and heal Indigenous communities, particularly those affected by the Stolen Generations. Kevin Rudd’s speech expressed a restoration dignity and respect towards Indigenous Australians, which later lead to practical change in