A person’s gender schema affects how they treat all other people regardless of age, race, or social position; because we assume that everyone fits into one of two categories: male or female. There are other cultures that do not have a binary gender schema, and allow people to occupy a “third position” combining traits that Americans would see as male or female. It is unfortunate that gender schemas are so restrictive and create expectations and judgments about people’s authentic selves that can damage the psyche (Valian, 208). As a way to navigate the social world, gender schemas can be important, but like schemas for race and social class, they can reinforce hierarchies that restrict a large part of the population. Below, I will talk about my own gender schema, how I view the gender schema of my society, and how it could be changed to better
As media becomes an ever more powerful force in shaping the world 's perception of itself, an individual 's struggle to maintain a unique identity and self-understanding apart from media influence becomes increasingly difficult. Damaging to the idea of the self are the racial, gendered, and class-based stereotypes (always artificial and frequently physically, fiscally, and emotionally unattainable), which are broadly perpetuated and, because of their persistence, are apparently not broadly questioned. The prevalence and power of gender (especially female) stereotypes in the media are addressed in this p
My own gender schema has changed radically from when I was younger. I can remember asking my mother “is that a boy or a girl?” about a person whom my mother identified as a woman, but who had a very square, angular face with large eyes. Later, I learned to incorporate larger scale features (curvy hips or breasts; large shoulder-to-waist ratio) into my schema. Although I was raised as a girl and have always looked female (if not always perfectly feminine), I
Cited: Tenenbaum, Harriet R., & Leaper, Campbell. “Are Parents’ Gender Schemas Related to Their Children’s Gender-Related Cognitions? A Meta-Analysis,” Developmental Psychology, 2002, Vol. 38, No. 4, p. 615–630. Valian, Virginia. Beyond Gender Schemas: Improving the Advancement of Women in Academia. NWSA Journal, 2004, Vol. 16, No. 1, p. 207-220.