SOCS 350N: Cultural Diversity in the Professions
February 23, 2013
Crime statistics and incarceration rates reveal that young African American men are prosecuted and imprisoned at higher rates than their Non-Hispanic White counterparts. Although the total number of incarcerations by race does not vary significantly, the age of prisoners by race is meaningful. In December 2011, the U.S. Department of Justice statistics for sentenced male prisoners under state and federal jurisdiction totaled 1,537,415. Broken down by race, Blacks totaled 555,300 prisoners with Whites totaling 465,100 and Hispanics 331,500. As the assignment scenario noted, in 2003 there was disparity between the incarceration rates for males aged 25-29 among races. As of 2011, rates for the same age group do not show as wide of a gap. In 2011, White males ages 25 to 29 comprised 14.4 percent of incarcerated males compared to 16.5 percent Blacks and 18.8 percent Hispanics. The statistics from the U.S. Department of Justice for 2011 show that “More than half (52%) of white male prisoners were age 39 or younger, compared to 63% of black and 68% of Hispanic male prisoners.” There remains disparity when age is factored into the incarceration rates with eleven percent more Blacks and sixteen percent more Hispanics incarcerated than Whites for those 39 and younger. In addition, one must consider that African Americans have higher rates of arrest, conviction, and incarceration when they total a minority number in the population.
When evaluating these numbers, one must consider the role that structured inequality plays. As Alexander (2010) notes, “The unfortunate reality we must face is that racism manifests itself not only in individual attitudes and stereotypes, but also in the basic structure of society” (p. 179). This built in racism and resulting stereotypes and attitudes towards minority groups encourages structured inequality. The fabric of
References: Patton, S. (2012). From cellblock to campus, one black man defies the data. Chronicle of Higher Education,59(10), B9-B13. Peltz, J. (2012). Mayor: 4,000 young men so far in NYC program. Community College Week, 25(6),15. Pollack, S. (2012). Paving the way to fair jury trials: using Batson challenges. Minority Trial Lawyer,10 (3), 2-4. Tomlinson, C., & Javius, E. (2012). Teach up for excellence. Educational Leadership,69(5), 28-33. Williams, W. (2011). How minimum wage devastates young blacks. Human Events, 67(19), 19. Younge, G. (2011). The paradox of hope. Nation, 292(23), 10.