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That may be true in some cases but races do not exist you cannot assume someone’s race without knowing the person. Race also involves culture and language you cannot say that someone is Asian if they don’t share the same language and cultural beliefs as an “Asian” person. There is no specific image for each race, which makes it hard to categorize people. Everyone is biologically different and no matter how different people look they are still a part of human race not every social race will share the same physical characteristics they will have in common the culture, morals and language but not all will look the same. Therefore social races may look like socialist racist concept but it is not biologically defined as one. Anyone can adapt any culture and language that means that race does not have a real definition. Human kind is real everyone in society is capable of adapting any language or culture. No matter what color, hair, or eye shape they have everyone is from human kind. A blue straw and a red straw have the same function and the only difference between both of them is the color. It is the same with race there is no real definition a white person and a yellow person are capable of doing anything, but just have different a language and