Carson supports her argument by explaining that synthetic pesticides would not disappear, but rather linger and build up. She then explains how the deadly chemical will not only kill the targeted weeds or pest, but kill all life caught in the crossfire. For this reason she states that the insecticides should be called “biocides”. To avoid this, Carson believes that pesticides should be eliminated.
Carson establishes herself as being credible. To do so, she had to inform her audience about the dangers of pesticides. She explained how careless spraying will become deadly and affect humans. She then linked the past destruction of the wild life to pesticides usage, which created environmental concerns. People were convinced and Carson changed the way people thought about using the chemicals. As a result, she influenced the environmental movement and the banning of DDT nationwide.
To strengthen her argument, Carson appealed to the emotions and values of her audience. She does so by using the peoples fear to convince them of the dangers of pesticides. She explains how the chemical will build up and become deadly to everyone. She then compares pesticides to a chemical war that is never won. People were convinced that pesticides will become a deadly issue, which got people to support her.
Carson’s argument was straight to the point. She was able to get her writing out to the public where she would receive the most attention. “Silent spring” was able to get the public’s awareness by pointing out the dangers of pesticides. By using public fear she was able to spread her message and prevent a devastation cause by pesticides.
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