In that moment, Rachel discovered her true calling, but making it a reality would take a bit longer. “All you need to know between now and then is that it was 10 years of accepting any and every gig, believing when there wasn’t much to believe in, and lots of cereal with no milk,” she says.
In the next decade, groundwork would be laid for “Fight Song,” the first single from her Columbia Records debut. “Fight Song” is an uplifting anthem that perfectly embodies Rachel’s own vulnerability and power, with a “don’t give up” message that resonates across all audiences.
Growing up in Boston, Rachel recalls harmonizing with her family to finely crafted pop songs – from Sam Cooke to The Beatles – that dominated her parents’ vinyl collection. As a teenager, Rachel gravitated towards, and began to become affected by, hip-hop and female …show more content…
Turns out it was just the message people needed. “The reactions were honest, and intense. People have been sending me the most beautiful stories of how they refuse to give up,” she recalls. One such story included an incredible woman named Christine, who adopted “Fight Song” as her battle cry against a cancer. After hearing how much “Fight Song” had inspired Christine, Rachel taught 150 of Christine’s friends and family the song for an emotional surprise performance. Sadly, Christine would later succumb but her legacy of love, hope and courage stays with Rachel