These features are a way to organize a hierarchy and that people with certain “racial” attributes deserve to be in control or in power and those people that have these features are deemed superior than other ethnicities that do not share the same features as the “superior race”. The superior race deemed themselves as “white” or Caucasian. Using the word white to describe their race signifies that their race were pure, clean and above all. In return coined the name of the race black for Africans which means dirty, malignant, and foul. Using these types of phrases shows which group of people is superior and which is the inferior. Caucasian’s during the early settlement thought of enslaved Africans as dirty, savages that were only meant to be kept in captivity and returned viewed themselves as white, pure, god-like creatures who could never do any wrong. Coates denounces that Caucasians should call themselves white because of the atrocious history that follow suits with the name. To Coates the people who call themselves white did not achieve such stature by tasting
These features are a way to organize a hierarchy and that people with certain “racial” attributes deserve to be in control or in power and those people that have these features are deemed superior than other ethnicities that do not share the same features as the “superior race”. The superior race deemed themselves as “white” or Caucasian. Using the word white to describe their race signifies that their race were pure, clean and above all. In return coined the name of the race black for Africans which means dirty, malignant, and foul. Using these types of phrases shows which group of people is superior and which is the inferior. Caucasian’s during the early settlement thought of enslaved Africans as dirty, savages that were only meant to be kept in captivity and returned viewed themselves as white, pure, god-like creatures who could never do any wrong. Coates denounces that Caucasians should call themselves white because of the atrocious history that follow suits with the name. To Coates the people who call themselves white did not achieve such stature by tasting