
Racial Changes In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Racial Changes In To Kill A Mockingbird
Racism is the belief in which ethnic groups account for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others. It has been one of the most prevalent social issues for centuries, especially in the modern world. Racial relations still occur, although it is vaguely disappearing. There are some who believe one’s appearance changes everything in that particular person and how they should be treated. There is no doubt that racism was more acceptable in the past than it is today, and there is also evidence that with time, race relations are steadily improving.
In To Kill A Mockingbird, Lee expresses examples of when the discrimination of ethnicity, the color of skin, and overall appearance changes other’s opinions
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Separate bathrooms and water fountains, separated seating areas, and the general output in everything that African Americans were taken away from, were constant reminders of the poor race relations between blacks and whites. The way the people of a community are nurtured, they are influenced by environmental factors, like the beliefs of the people around them. Due to using African Americans for labor, this brought the idea of them being an inferior race. Looking back to the laws of Hebrew and the Babylonians, it is clear that this is where the institution of racism originated. The belief that blacks were the inferior race began to spread, and eventually caused the rise of slavery. As countries and territories developed under British and French influence, the African race was deemed inferior, and therefore suitable for labor. es in all these foreign areas. The African Americans were taken advantage of and that from that time their treatment was passed down. Although throughout history there are many instances that focus on the terrible race relations between blacks and whites, but there are other races that have to go through things that are similar as …show more content…
Hispanics experience discrimination during arrest, prosecution and sentencing, and are more likely to be incarcerated than whites charged with the same offenses (Gendreau). Christopher Barrella was a white candidate who who was mad because he was passed over for the position as police chief and filed a racial discrimination lawsuit in 2012 after the job went to Miguel Bermudez, who is a white hispanic. The town of Freeport went against the lawsuit stating that Hispanic is not a distinct race. A three-judge panel of the U.S. 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals rejected the town's argument, finding that Hispanic has long been considered a separate race in civil rights cases. The judges pointed out that the U.S. Supreme Court has previously held that racial discrimination includes bias based on ancestry or ethnic characteristics (Lafolla). The town of Freeport named Bermudez as the chief in 2010 as well, because he had higher promotional test scores and more time in rank and a higher education than Barrella (Lafolla). Barrella then sued the town of Freeport and their Mayor Hardwick in a federal

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