Sierra Cooper
Psychology of Racism
May 26, 2012
Alexander, M (2010) The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness. New York. The New Press
Aylward, A (2000). Criminal Injustice: Racism in the Criminal Justice System. Canada. Canadian Scholars Press
Cole, D (2001). No Equal Justice: Race and Class in the American Criminal Justice System. Washington D.C, The New Press
Harris, D (2003). Profiles in Injustice: Why Racial Profiling Cannot Work. New York, NY, The New Press
Davis, Angela Y. September 1, 1998. “ Masked Racism Reflections on the Prison Industrial Complex”.,php?id=849 Accessed on May 26, 2012
Mauer, M. The Sentencing Project. May 2004 “Facts about Prisons and Prisoners” Accessed on May 26, 2012
Sierra Cooper
Psychology of Racism
May 26, 2012
Thesis: Racism exists in the Judicial System in an attempt to annihilate the African American Race.
I. Initial Contact with Uniform Officers
a.Racial Profiling
b.Body Searches Blacks vs. White
c.Number of arrest in comparison to race
II. Booking Process
a. Blacks more likely to be detained
b. High bails
c. Blacks less likely to be referred to alternative options
III. Court Appearance
a. Poor representation offered (public defenders)
b. Receive maximum minimums for charges
c. Denied jury duty
IV. Jails
a. Increase in youth prisons
b. Lack of rehabilitation
c. Denial of 5th amendment right(right to vote)
d. Increase in revistism rates
e. Modern day slave ship
Today’s government has set up jails in an attempt to rid the nation of the African
Bibliography: Alexander, M (2010) The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness. New York. The New Press Aylward, A (2000) Cole, D (2001). No Equal Justice: Race and Class in the American Criminal Justice System. Washington D.C, The New Press Harris, D (2003) Davis, Angela Y. September 1, 1998. “ Masked Racism Reflections on the Prison Industrial Complex”.,php?id=849 Accessed on May 26, 2012 Mauer, M May 26, 2012 Outline