politics and policies that do not account for the ways in which race and racism still structure society” (Nicki Lisa Cole, Ph.D. 2017). The racial colorblindness in America reflects this ideal society that skin color is insignificant. The color-blind practices, people believe to lead to treating others equally and working towards a society that is stopping race discriminations. This social distance of classifying ourselves are the labeling one another to a certain race. The Racial Formation Theory holds these expectations that guide our daily interactions. Our social interactions with other people from other backgrounds, challenges our minds to work together to create a difference. Race goes further with our thinking because education, religion, and other issue privileges are involved. I feel that racial projects are never the solutions to issues in society; I feel that racial projects strike more issues that aren’t necessary. There needs to be more strategic ideas in place of these racial projects and move forward to achieve the ultimate goal equality. I am not saying that we should dismiss these clubs and organizations that are about change; we just need to really have our focus and keep our focus on equality.
When it comes to discrimination in race inequality, there becomes these divisions in social roles that lead to it. There this posing problem that leads to race inequalities when we are trying to be for an equal society. This distinguish between differential treatment occurs when individuals are treated unequally because of someone’s race. This idea leads to these biases based on race. Implicit biases give us a better understanding of attitudes towards this unconscious manner. Society is structured in different ways try to reinforce inequalities that there is this social stratification that divides certain groups when it comes to separating hierarchies. This ladder of hierarchy is what is causing this bias about race. We all have taken the implicit bias test and based on the test it has you determining to report your attitudes towards beliefs that individuals may be unwilling to report. This test shows that we all have an implicit attitude. When you have this dominancy that race loses it focus on race being socially constructed. In the reading, “Are Asian-Americans Becoming White?” it discusses about the model minority myth that has particular expectations on a certain group. No one lives up to the stereotypes; however, you continue to have this privilege that tags along with these stereotypes. For Asian-Americans, the second-generation is pressured to be flourished in these careers that pertain to science and engineering, though their parents have already established a …show more content…
foundation for their children to one day take over the family business. But, then there comes that middle-man status where you want to be successful, though you’re still stuck because of the business flourishing enough for you and your family to be alright. There are these ethnic enclaves that play a role in society, however, the challenges that come with having a vision for justice.
Racism has changed overtime, and as a nation we have recognized it. However, I feel there are some acts that sets us back quite a bit that continues to divide us as a class, race, and even gender. There are some people that still can’t accept the fact that we are trying, “to make America again”, but we can’t make it great again until we learn how to resolve the real issues; race. Based on the readings, we learned about the culture, symbolism, & stereotypes that have shaped this nation. Though, racism is continuing to change overtime, I feel that there is still that division. The rich continue to get richer and the poor get prison. When it comes to the justice system the ultimate goal is designed to fail and eliminate crimes to American public. The poverty and inequality has nothing to do with roles in society, it is just that we are spending more money on building prison then investing in higher education. Harace Mann had stated that education can’t fix all to be an equalizer; there is still going to be that ladder where we can continue to improve our school systems, it won’t automatically bring us together. School teaches us or prepares us how to do our future careers, however, education doesn’t prepare us for an elite culture. Race and class coincide within the criminal justice system because there has been this picture that has been
8. Based on the racial formation theory, the content is determined by political forces. The impacts of people’s experiences in society and the process of racial formation have important political and economic implications. For instance, having fewer to people to work, so taxes become higher or with the government not being able to finance a growing population to provide jobs for people. Society tries to signify the differences amongst people and how it connects to the organizations in society. When you refer to race, you automatically are adding politics as well. Racial formation is based on how societies are formed. Difference in wealth- income, determines the basis of someone’s race. Therefore, categorized in a racial group that shapes our expectations for someone’s behavior, beliefs, and ideas. The class divisions that deal with superiority in society; this debate about race and politics has this issue where ethnicity should not play a role in politics. However, we continue to throw religion, personal values, class, gender, socioeconomic status to divide Americans. Though I feel race and politics should remain as a topic in our classrooms and lives. I feel like our views matter on race and politics because with our critical thinking and learning how politics place a vast part in the race. Individuals don’t like to discuss politics and race because it conflicts with ideals of interfering with people’s identities therefore pre-judging the types of belief and values we agree or disagree upon.