
Racial Gap

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Racial Gap
Racial Gap

Racism isn’t a very new topic. This issue has been there since many years and it is not reducing. Racism exists everywhere, especially in schools, which reflect in the student’s grades. There is a problem within our education system and that there is racial profiling that happens in which kids of color or minorities are not given the same preference or acknowledgment from not only their peers but their teachers too. Race has always been a deciding factor for many things. But, do our sociologists and those in charge of our education system stop and think about the effects racial discrimination and group have on the academic performance of those that are a victim to it? National attention has been drawn to the fact that racial
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Canada is year after year ranked below developing countries in the academic ranking yet they have the most facilities and the biggest education budget. If this issue is taken care, there would be increase in the ranking position. However, it should be noted that our poor ranking is simply because of the poor grades of minorities as we have a large number of minorities. So, their poor grades weigh heavily on the general Canadian ranking so this issue should not be taken trivially. We should tackle this issue rather than we throw out money on other things, we should invest it in education so our future generations have more to work with. General public should show more interest to change the system and especially people associated or linked with the Canadian educational system. Students should also take part in this so that they can give their perspective and the issue might be looked at differently. Student’s perspective can help open out the situation and things like classroom environment, student behavior and teacher communication can be understood more thoroughly. Often, problems go unsolved because they are not acknowledged in a helpful manner and to the right people. If the problem was made aware to the “victims” themselves, they might take extra-precaution to not fall victim to …show more content…
It is a very common saying in America that “Blacks just aren’t book-smart.” The blacks are always disgraced, so they don’t join schools and colleges. They are always treated unequally. The black children are not being educated with proper skills and knowledge. For example, black students are asked wrong questions in the tests, which are slanted and unfair. This is one the most neglected issues amongst our education system today along with this being a central civil rights issue of our time. It points out that unequal skills and knowledge are the main cause of ongoing racial inequality and it is one of the great-unresolved issues. There is tragic and obvious gap in learning that occurs between schools in suburbs and inner city schools. The issue of education and the racial gap get between the quality and the outcome of the studies and must be dealt

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