The relationship between home life and school for students is very powerful. Because children are like sponges, as the saying goes, they soak up everything they see from parents, peers, and anyone around them. Whether it is positive or negative, the adults in the children’s lives need to come together as much as possible to guide them in the right direction. Teachers need to lead the way for African American involvement in the school plan for students (Juhasz, 2004). Stakeholders can strengthen the future of children, especially African Americans because their involvement and creation of communication with families will build upon skills and opportunity (Juhasz, 2004).
When referring to the Cultural Competence Continuum Characteristics, the police force would be placed on the in the Pre-Competence group. The children and families are anywhere from the Cultural Destructiveness to Competence. People are entirely different in where they stand. Some may need to concentrate on building skills and using those skills to make it farther on the