Did you know that an appalling, unconstitutional and pernicious attack happens continuously in today’s society against innocent citizens and nobody does anything about it? This practice is called racial profiling. Mr. Bob Herbert, a journalist for the New York Times, discusses this in his article, “Hounding the Innocent”. This article is an insightful and informative. He informs his readers about many actual situations of innocent citizens becoming victims of this cruel practice. Mr. Herbert is correct, racial profiling is unnecessary and hurtful or is sickening and should not even exist. Racial profiling is the practice of using one’s skin color as evidence for grounds of suspicion. How can one say that this practice is fair? Racial profiling should be eliminated; it is insensitive, unconstitutional and has a detrimental effect on society.…
The article “Should Racial Profiling Be Accepted as a Law Enforcement Practice?”, published by ProCon.org discusses the pros and cons on if racial profiling should be practiced by the law enforcement. Those in favor of this practice admit that people of color are targeted more by law enforcement agencies because they are the ones who usually commit crimes. When officers practiced racial profiling, the reports that had been made showed that minorities were the ones mostly committing crime. Those opposing this proposition explain why racial profiling is an inefficient strategy. Many minorities arrested due to racial profiling, who are falsely convicted and imprisoned end up being innocent. Let’s face it, racial profiling is an excuse, disguised as a reason, for law enforcement agencies to target people of color/minorities.…
Theoretically, racial profiling means safety precautions provided by the government aimed at certain ethnic/racial groups in order to keep the crime rate and a possibility of the terrorist attacks relatively low. This phenomenon has been ever-present in American society and had a lot of examples throughout the country's history. Even though racial profiling does not sound positive, it is still practiced against certain minorities in the US as a way to keep the country a secure place. However, there is a thin line between being cautious and harassing innocent people. No matter how noble the goal is, racial profiling cannot ever be justified.…
Racial profiling, defined as the targeting of individuals and groups by law enforcement officials, even partially, on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, or religion, except when there is trustworthy information, relevant to the locality and timeframe, that links persons belonging to one of the groups to an identified criminal incident or scheme. Law enforcement agencies are designed to protect the people. They are mandated to operate in a fair and ethical manner. Their primary function is to up hold the Constitution, law, and defend the rights of the people. These actions should be conducted in a manner that treats everyone equally, without regard to their race, gender, or ethnicity. The clear alternative is for law enforcement…
Racial profiling is a very widespread topic. Racial profiling is beginning to spread across the United States and many other countries as if a fire spread in a forest. It is important for us to understand that racial profiling is impractical and hurtful to the persons targeted. It is also important for people to recognize that racial profiling puts fear into people’s hearts and that can have an emotional impact on the way people think, act and even their character. Racial Profiling should be a exercise that should be ended in all places including the court system and law enforcement. One can come up with several illustrations declaring its advantages and disadvantages. Although racial profiling can be useful in certain cases it is incorrect…
In James Forman book Arrested Development: The Conservative Case against Racial Profiling, he argues that racial profiling has a negative impact and should be discontinued. I agree with Forman because racial profiling today has caused tragic cases involving white police officers and African American communities. Recent racial profiling cases in America causes most African Americans to lose belief in what police consider to be right from wrong.…
Racial profiling only causes problems. Racial profiling is an unfair bias against a particular race. Racial profiling implies that the skin color of someone determines their actions: Race doesn’t define them, their personality does. Criminals that are fortunate enough to be of an un-targeted race have the opportunity to hide behind those who embody the race that is profiled because of racial discrimination. Although profiling contains many drawbacks, there are benefits that interest the law officials.…
The judging of an individual’s character by their race did not become relevant because of the Rodney King beating, the attacks on the World Trade Center, or the illegal aliens crossing the Mexican border. Racial Discrimination has been a reoccurring issue for centuries. Throughout time, these judgments and discriminations have led to unwarranted searches, racial riots and unjust prosecutions. Racial Profiling not only adds to this overwhelming issue but is upheld by the U.S. government and prominent leaders. Racial profiling has caused divisions between black men and the police, negative effects on immigration and race relations, and false imprisonment, further proving that racial profiling is not defensible public policy.…
Racial profiling has been around all around the world and is used by many people to provide safety to other people. Racial profiling is practiced by many police officers or law enforcers to provide safety to the community but they sometimes get carried away and abuse others instead. Racial profiling should be used for the safety of others but it should never be abused.…
Racial profiling is irrational, unjust, and unproductive, but one thing it is not is un-American. Racial profiling has been part of the U.S. criminal justice system for as long as there has been a U.S. criminal justice system, and part of North American colonial justice systems in the centuries prior to its formation.…
Racial Profiling, according to the Ontario Human Rights Commission (n.d.) is defined as stereotypical assumptions made based on one’s race, colour ethnicity, etc. It varies from criminal profiling, which would be to associate one’s race with criminal activity ( Ontario Human Rights Commission , n.d.).…
For as long as one can remember, racial profiling has been considers a major issue between enforcement and citizens in general. Racial profiling is the act of suspecting or targeting a person on the basis of an individual's race, ethnicity, religion or national origin. Most often when people think about racial profiling, they think of police brutality, which is wrong. The idea of racial profiling should be acceptable as long as no one is being harmed and there is no racism involved. People are convinced that racial profiling is unfair, but moreover everyone is a victim, no mater where you come from.…
Today we will be discussing racial profiling and the affects that is has in the media and the community. What is racial profiling? Racial profiling is the act of suspecting or targeting a person of a certain race based on a stereotype about their race. According to Minnesota House of Representatives analyst Jim Cleary, "there appear to be at least two clearly distinguishable definitions of the term 'racial profiling': a narrow definition and a broad definition... Under the narrow definition, racial profiling occurs when a police officer stops, questions, arrests, and/or searches someone solely on the basis of the person's race or ethnicity... Under the broader definition, racial profiling occurs whenever police routinely use race as a factor…
Americans believe in this idea of everyone being equal, but as long as each individual is different, we can never truly be equal. Racial profiling goes against the principles of the United States Constitution, but it is still a reoccurring instance throughout communities, and in every race. Racial profiling is illegal, but in 1996 a law was passed by the Supreme Court to allow police officers to pull over people who look “suspicious”. Men and women are being are pulled over by arrogant police officers who say he or she looks like a suspicious individual, and are being wrongly accused of a crime, having their cars searched for no reason. This law is a gateway for people to be humiliated, mistaken for a criminal, and unjustly punished. Though, some people do not…
Racial profiling occurs when law enforcement or security officials, consciously or unconsciously, subject individuals at any location to heightened scrutiny based solely or in part on race, ethnicity, aboriginality, place of origin, ancestry, or religion, or on stereotypes associated with any of these factors, rather than on objectively reasonable grounds for suspecting that the individual is implicated in criminal activity (Satzewich & Shaffir 199).…