been invaluable and that the benefits of the in-car video camera far exceeded the original goals. Officers racial profile because they are prejudice of the race that they see, someone dying in the streets because of excessive force from an officer, and an officer’s body camera being off while shooting someone are the reasons for the necessity of police reform.
Both the police and the people have the right to be protected. The police can be protected by making sure they follow the rules and don’t go over the line that they are crossing. The people are protected by making the police man follow the rules. There is no reason for people to be injured while they are being detain or any reason for people privacy to be invaded just because a police officer is suspicious. The battle between protecting or injuring of the people by the police should stop. For a long time, the police’s job was to protect and have everything in control situation that that they are needed. They shouldn’t be the ones who injure and killing