Just what is racial profiling? Racial profiling occurs when the police target someone for investigation on the basis of that person's race, national origin, or ethnicity (www.washington.com). Examples are the use of race to determine which drivers to stop for minor traffic violations and the use of race to determine which motorists or pedestrian to search for contraband. Universally attested and detested, racial profiling is a widespread police tactic. Although blacks and foreigners experience different forms of racial profiling, they both share many similarities.
Blacks have been the main suspects of racial profiling. Tens of thousands of black motorist on highways across the country are victims of racial profiling. Black drivers account for 26.2 percent of stops resulting from the use of radar or laser devices for from red-light violations; however, they only make up 15.1 percent of the country's population. Today, skin color makes you a suspect in America. It makes you more likely to be searched and more likely to be arrested and imprisoned. In Montgomery, black drivers were stopped with a disproportionate rate when compared with the number of blacks in the county(www.washington.com). Police Chief Charles A. Moose said at a news conference that he thinks black drivers are being stopped at a fair rate. Racial profiling is prevalent in America. Despite the civil rights victories of 30 years ago, official racial prejudice still reflects throughout the criminal justice system.
Not only blacks, but foreigners too have become victims of racial profiling.
According to police, about 460 American Indians in Montgomery were stopped, however, there are only 2,500 in the county(www.washington.com). Another foreign group that has been targeted is Hispanics. Hispanic drivers received a significantly higher number of equipment repair orders, civil and criminal citations, and arrests. However, driving is not the only area where foreigners have been targeted