To actively use profiling to stop, search, strip people of their rights? Today you would think that the public and the police could live alongside each other. The duty of the police is to protect and serve its citizens not to target them based upon where they come from or what they look like. But clearly this is not happening right across in America. Regrettably police officers in the United States still use racial profiling in their regular duties.
The areas I wanted to explore in more depth are: how does racial profiling affect everyday people in the United States? What are the laws that protect people in the US from profiling? Is …show more content…
In New York City, where Eric Collins was murdered, out of the whole population, 52% are African American or Hispanic, but 80% who are stopped, and 85% who searched are either Hispanic or African American. This suggests that police use racial profiling as a strategy to categorize certain types of individuals who are considered more likely to carry out a crime based upon racial stereotypes. Profiling has a major effect on the health and well being of innocent people, as after police profile them they usually assaulted and detained and harshly fined.
The extent of police behavior using racial profiling causes complete mistrust between communities and the force. Entire cultures have formed around the abhorrence and disgust towards police brutality and a complete lack of tolerance due to people’s different