that the judge decided to make without having the accurate information or depending on his thoughts of racism. The media has been able to establish cases around the world of colored people that have been treated unequal to the law causing the majority of the residence and citizens to stand up for their own race and defend their rights. “Each and every person in this world has rights granted but when it comes to justice in court they all disappear” (Stunz). Granted rights are giving to everyone but not being able to establish justice is the reason why the criminal system has faced and will continue to face problems. The attraction that has made its way out causing a huge scandal are cases of African Americans which are treated racist, and aren’t treated equally to the law establishing to society that the system is having enormous problems with treating everyone equal. Every once in a while there is a new case of an African American taken to court without an actual justification on what the victim was doing because whatever the victim was doing seemed like a threat to society and only for that reason the victim is put in jail and cannot have a better future because the victims record is not clean anymore. This has to stop because we live in a country where we are all granted “liberty and justice for all” and it would make no sense to say we “live in the land of free”. Therefore the criminal system has been able to identify themselves as racist losing their vulnerability to the word “justice” by developing unequal cases of inequalities such as racial profiling, poverty, and police corruption.
Targeting a person of a certain race based on a stereotype about their race is suspecting that people of color are more likely to be involved in crime is known as racial profiling.
Attempts to indicate that if a person of color was involved in a crime then that victim is most likely to be the killer and would be charged because of who they are without any questions asked. “Racial profiling is by far one of the racist movement the police department could us to determine the criminal” (Brown). African Americans felt discriminated by the stereotypes these people believe which allowed racial profiling to target them as victims depending on the dicrption given to the law enforcements. Incarcerating innocent victims because of racial stereotypes is what racial profiling conducts are doing with African Americans because to the law they are the criminals. “Several times when pulled over whites were searched at a rate much lower than African Americans. Police tried harder to find drugs or any reason to arrest African Americans and other minorities” (Falk). Implying that law enforcement believe in the racial stereotypes and would do anything possible to prove that African Americans are all committing crimes. The stereotypes led to many more African Americans being arrested for drug possession compared to whites. “What is ironic is that whites were more likely to be carrying drugs” (Brown). Moreover African Americans were not the only ones committing crime but were more likely to be …show more content…
convicted of one because of stereotypes, but in reality it’s the other way around. Police corruption plays a huge role in over using their power causing the death of several victims which are all untreated cases the court doesn’t resolve with the justice way.
“African American males are twenty two times more likely to be shot by a police officer than their white counterparts. The Oscar Grant case shows this corruption by law enforcement” (Neubauer). This controversial case has been an issue with law enforcements “protecting” our communities when in reality they’re just killing and accusing innocent people because they have the power to. This white officer shot an African American male Oscar Grant, with his gun. According to the officer “he was reaching for his gun but accidentally pulled out his Taser”. The footage that was obtained showed that Grant was already on the ground restrained and did not seem like a threat before he was shot. Many more cases like this one have also shown the same problem, police overusing their power but only when they deal with a colored person. Innocent people have died in the hands of the police and not one single case has been justified in court and it’s all because they’re “black”. The court doesn’t justify or fight for the victims’ rights all they do is protect the law enforcements and say that the victim’s actions seemed like a threat. Black lives matter because we are all equal under the law and if the court doesn’t resolve these issues many more will continue to die in the hands of what we call “safety and security”
the police. “When an officer kills an African American the system is never fair. We all know that when a case like this occurs the criminal justice system protects law enforcement officers and denies any claims of racism”(Neubauer). When an officer shoots an African American the law automatically protects them from and racial problems implying that they were only protecting the community’s safety. When in reality they killed the victim because of their profile. The system itself is showing an actual value of the word justice. The verdict ended which concluded that the officer was criminally wrong but did not intend to shoot Grant. This is one of the most well-known phrases