We always have the same news like there was a car crash it was an Asian driving and couldn’t see in front and then people have that notion of saying see Asian can’t drive look at that car crash they got themselves into. The media will blow it up out of proportion and saying Asian are good with everything else but driving or some sort of racist remarking depending of the problem. The media will cover pot heads story how a local white person was growing weed plants around his back yard and didn’t expect to get caught until today because he wanted Starbucks. They usually make fun of that all white people are druggy’s well that’s not the case but a lot of people believe that because of social media because we profile ourselves to think that way because we feel it’s safer for us which is not true its actually doing a lot more harm than good us profiling is causing a lot of death this should be a wakeup call and stopping racial profiling because if we don’t they might be greater problems down the line if this gets too big of a problem that even we the people might get to a point where they’re going to act very violent or the mean comments that are made because it offends us because they comments will be like, “you people did this” the other person receiving all this negativity will be like we people that’s racist and they will …show more content…
There’s been a lot of police brutality because they were using racial profiling. There been news reports that a white police officer attacked a black guy because he was wearing a black hood when he was walking home in board daylight so that’s how a lot of people were outrage because that young boy didn’t do anything wrong and he got shot simply because he was black because the police officer thought he was dangerous because he was black and wearing a black hood if it wasn’t for racial profiling that young man would probity would of still being alive today with his family instead of being dead because the police officer thought he was dangerous. There’s been another report in LA that a police officer was on duty and when he was patrolling found two Mexicans and they insisting thought there were in a gang and shot them. They later found out they were not armed and that those two guys they shot were actually on their way to school. We can even go as back as the La Riot that happen because racial profiling was so bad that police officer kept abusing their power and attacking innocence people. They the La Riots went on a rampage for about 2 days until the military came and stopped it because when a Riots were happing police were getting killed by anger people it got to a point where they left LA because