Societies are formed in a manner that people’s relationships follow consistent patterns. According to (Fiona Williams) She argues that social objectives and policy are basically in line and dominated in due respect to the virtues upheld by the society and by what society regards as being right or wrong. These basically comprise the general issues and trends that revolve around …show more content…
Current prevailing systems Are based on a discriminative basis, the systems discriminate individuals and these discrimination is given the background of racism, tribe and nationality. Current form s of racism have seen individuals even changing the manner in which they view racism by even going to the extent of judging people basing on the knowledge basis. With this current knowledge based industry, it is evident beyond doubt that the society is entirely looking for the most deserving and the best in the market. The issue of discrimination has greatly affected immigrants as they face poor services and receive the after thought …show more content…
But generally fruitful person is able to receive rewards and these come in the form of subsidies for married couples who have dependants. For those with families that deviate from the norm, penalties include the legal requirement to support one’s family, and legal and monetary requirements that make divorce expensive. In addition to that, the supposition that married people live more inexpensively as compared to singles may act as a guide to two single people getting bigger support: cohabitation principles, giving people who live together preferential treatment, making them feel married is a technique used to ensure fair play with married