Where did discrimination stem from? Has it always been here or was it created from humans becoming greedy with power? Discrimination is when a person or a group of people reject others based mostly on their physical appearance. The most known case of discrimination between races is when Europeans started exploring the world and discovered other people who were all a little less well off than them then deemed them as sub-human. This is the reason why Race is a standard description in today’s society. Discrimination & Race were created to keep everyone subordinate to Europeans or their more common alias white people.
Discrimination dates back all the way to the colonization of the Americas. Europeans saw themselves as the only true …show more content…
The two main theories caused many problems and fight between religious and nonreligious people. “Hereditarianism- is a theory that heredity was the basis for differences in intelligence & behavior began to become unpopular during the 1950’s,”(Critiquing race 1). With this theory, It is mostly true with physical aspects like eye color or the shape of someone’s nose but What if someone’s ancestor who was a slave had no ‘american education’ therefore she could not read or write and articulate in her native language yet her great great grandaughter who is at the top of her class according to ‘american standards’ is still an uneducated and ignorant black female. “The species theory, polygenism, held that human races were different lineages and suggest a hierarchy outlined in the chain of being,” (One Race or Several species 1). This theory suggest we all evolved from a different line of animals which explains facial features and intelligence but it was also proven that We all come from apes and as every species does, we had slight variations like the amount of melanin our skin which separated us. We had our favorable traits which is why some of us are darker than others, it doesn't mean you're smarter or prettier. It means that you had the favorable skin tone for wherever you ancestors came from. Europeans did not need melanin because they were cold in the north which also why they get sunburned easily if in the sun for multiple hours. The closer you get to the equator in africa the darker the skin tone will because the more melanin you have the more protected against the sun you are. This actually also destroys any point that the variations of the human race are separate. Discrimination was a way to maintain society but as of today, is also destroying it. “A racist system inevitably destroys & damages human beings;it brutalizes and