In one way or another everyone encounters racism at many times in their life. Whether they are making the comments or victims of it, racism is everywhere and continues to be denied throughout the world. Neil Bissoondath, a Trinidad native, writes "I'm Not Racist But " which discusses the types of labels given to different ethnic groups and the encouragement of racism they give. Based on the effective way it was written, Bissoondath's essay is suggested for an English 101 text.
"I'm Not Racist But " mainly focuses on the issue of racism currently in Canada, but acknowledges that it is a world problem as well. Bissoondath talks about his own experience with racism and racial comments. He also gives suggestions on ways to prevent or decrease the amount of racism that goes on.
The title of Bissoondath's essay gives hint as to what his argument is about. People of all kind constantly use the phrase "I'm not racist but " in order to combat a possible racial comment. Bissoondath states, "I think of the mover, a friendly man, who said, I'm not racist but the Chinese are the worst drivers on the road' convinced of this because of their slanted eyes which consequently deny them peripheral vision" (Wilhoit, 310). Statements like the mover's are proof that society is in denial about racism. People do not realize the impressions or implications they make when saying comments like the mover's. The way the sentence is spoken easily subjects them to accusation. According to Bissoondath, the remarks are not always "pure racial hatred, like the Nazis or KKK" however, they are "ignorant, stupid and incentive" and still defined as discrimination (Wilhoit, 310). Making discriminate comments does not help fight the racism problem.
"Challenging Racism: An Action for World Development Workshop" by Lilyana Theodossiou is about an organization in Australia that uses workshops to work with people on racial discrimination, using group activities. Theodossiou's
Cited: Bissoondath, Neil. " ‘I 'm Not Racist But ' A Brief Guide to Writings from Readings. 3rd ed. Stephen Willhoit. Boston: Pearson, 2004. 309-311. Theodossiou, Lilyana. "Challenging Racism: An Action for World Development Workshop." Bulletin of Good Practice in Popular Education 6. 2002. Ebsco Host. 17 Nov 2004 <> Tyler, Deidre Dr. "Preventing Racism." Humanism promotes Joyful Living through Rational Thinking and Responsible Behavior. Oct. 1999. Yahoo. 17 Nov. 2004 < >