1. What has been the nature of each of these innovations?
With Internet on the rise, and being widely available and used by everyone, especially the new generations, there was a need to ‘stay connected ' as more and more people were travelling, and moving away from their home towns.
2. In what way were they radical as opposed to an incremental improvement to an existing product process category?
Social Media is a radical innovation rather than an incremental innovation as there was no existing product which provided similar benefits/uses. Because of Internet, Social Media was possible and became into existence. The only close competitor of Social Media, which provided similar benefits, was the telephone …show more content…
and the mobile phone later on.
3. Why are they significant in your opinion and why did you select each of the five particular examples?
I believe Social Media is a significant radical innovation, as not only it lets you be in touch, over distance, it is also quick and very easy. It provides the following benefits to individuals and businesses which comprises and provides the benefits of many other innovations. Hence, many other innovations are on the decline and being replaced due to Social Media, e.g.
• Skype:
Let’s you video chat from anyone and anywhere free of cost. Replaces the need of a phone to make a phone call.
• Instagram:
Let’s you photo share with a wide audience. Replaces the need to take a photo, edit, go to the shop to develop, wait, then post it across the world or share in an album. Instagram let’s you do all that it with one simple click. There is a decline of growth in photo developing shops due to this technology.
4. What value did each innovation create and how did it do so?
Social Media created value to the society as it benefits everyone and anyone. It not only let’s you connect and stay in touch, but it also provided benefits of sharing personal and business information. It transforms the way individuals and businesses share information and stay connected, e.g
• Linkedin:
You can share your business profile, make connections, find new businesses through one simple linked in account. This replaces the need for yellow pages, business cards, etc.
• Facebook:
Simmilar to Linkedin, you can make new friends, stay in touch with existing friends, create and attend events, all over the world with one Facebook account. New friendships often end up first becoming Facebook friends and then phone numbers are exchanged.
5. Do you consider that there has been any down side or value destruction in adopting these innovations? Why/Why not?
Yes, there has been a downside to this innovation as due to social networking sites, and the rise in use age of it, there is a decline in ‘real friends’ and more ‘Facebook friends’ – e.g Facebook. People no longer pick up the phone or have a meaningful conversation face to face, they prefer chatting online all day long. This, in my opinion is a downside to Social Media.
Radical Innovation # 2: SMART PHONES
1. What has been the nature of each of these innovations?
From fixed landlines, to wire-less landlines to large bulky mobile phones that were black and white and the only real function the provided was call and limited character texting. Smart phones, has not only taken texting and calling to another level, it has changed the way we use our phones.
2. In what way were they radical as opposed to an incremental improvement to an existing product process category?
Smart Phones are radical instead of just an increment to the existing mobile phones as mentioned above, mobile phones allowed us to call and text only, whereas smart phones allow us with many other functions, all in one small device which affects and creates a decline in the need for us to purchase other technologies, e.g.
• Camera
• Calculator
• Radio
• MP3 Player
• Notepad
• Laptop
3. Why are they significant in your opinion and why did you select each of the five particular examples?
Smart phones, in my opinion is very significant as it can be one’s survival tool, anywhere anytime, even without internet connection or network. You can use it to play games, call, text, share images, write notes, find your way when driving, calculate while shopping, etc. Even if you don’t have internet connection or signal connection, you can still use and benefit from a smart phone e.g, calculator, notes, photos, etc.
4. What value did each innovation create and how did it do so?
Smart phones created value in ‘making life easier’ for the society. It’s similar to a Swiss Knife with many tools all in one. One smart phone, can provide a hundred benefits, for both pleasure and survival.
5. Do you consider that there has been any down side or value destruction in adopting these innovations? Why/Why not?
I don’t believe there has been a major downside to this innovation, for the users. Yes, it is true that we are very reliant on our smart phones for everything and anything, and we feel that we cannot do anything without our phones, but that is a personal choice, e.g. how much do you want to rely your day-to-day functions on your phone. And maybe for the companies whose functions were replaced by the introduction of smart phones, there is a downside, e.g. calculators.
Radical Innovation # 3: E-COMMERCE
What has been the nature of each of these innovations?
With our lives becoming busier and busier day by day, and the need to have everything ASAP, E-Commerce and online shopping came into existence, where we can order anything from anywhere at anytime in the world, pay, browse and get it delivered to our door without stepping a single foot outside our homes. 2. In what way were they radical as opposed to an incremental improvement to an existing product process category?
I believe e-commerce is radical as it is the only alternative to physical shopping. E-commerce allows people to buy even a small toothpaste from the comfort of their own homes. It is also very beneficial to disable people who before e-commerce, found it difficult to go physical shopping. Also, e-commerce changed the way we shop, by providing us options to choose, compare prices and become smart shoppers.
3. Why are they significant in your opinion and why did you select each of the five particular examples?
4. What value did each innovation create and how did it do so?
Answer same as number 3.
5. Do you consider that there has been any down side or value destruction in adopting these innovations? Why/Why
Yes, I believe there has been a downside to this innovation. Even through e-commerce provides us with all the options to shop smarter, it often ends up giving us too many options to choose from which confuses us and takes more time than required. E.G. I had to buy prescription eyeglasses, and without e-commerce, I would just go to one for few shops, try them on, and make a decision. This process would take probably 1-2 days. But, with e-commerce, I first go to few shops to try and choose a frame, then I use the model number to search many websites for the best price, then I order the item, wait for it to be delivered, only to find out it is not of good quality, then go to the post office to return, then order a new one, wait for it to be delivered, etc. This process took 2-3 times longer than a simple, ‘walk-in the shop purchase’.
Radical Innovation # 4: HYBRID CARS
1. What has been the nature of each of these innovations?
With global warming and petrol prices on the rise, there was a need for a smarter way for people to drive as driving and owning a car is becoming more of a necessity than a luxury in today’s every changing society.
2. In what way were they radical as opposed to an incremental improvement to an existing product process category?
Hybrid cars are radical for the environment more than for the users themselves or the uses it provides. Hybrid cars positively affect the environment and is a breakthrough in the usual petrol or diesel run cars.
3. Why are they significant in your opinion and why did you select each of the five particular examples?
Hybrid cars are significant to the environment and the future of this world.
4. What value did each innovation create and how did it do so?
Hybrid cars provide value to the environment and the future of our society.
5. Do you consider that there has been any down side or value destruction in adopting these innovations? Why/Why not?
I don’t consider hybrid cars have any significant downside as they use not one resource, but two, electricity and petrol, so in the future if we run out of petrol, we still have electricity to drive our cars.
Radical Innovation # 5: INTERNET
1. What has been the nature of each of these innovations?
Internet has been a breakthrough innovation in the recent years. There was nothing like this before, and it changed the way we think, act, and react.
2. In what way were they radical as opposed to an incremental improvement to an existing product process category?
Answer same as question 1.
3. Why are they significant in your opinion and why did you select each of the five particular examples?
Internet has been significant advancement in terms of information innovation, communication, etc. (Similarly to Social Media)
4. What value did each innovation create and how did it do so?
The world wide web has changed the way information and data is stored and employed. The internet and its wide usage has changed how people communicate, how people interact, how businesses run and how the educated people run their lives. In this modern world, most people are very dependent on it in their day-to-day lives.
5. Do you consider that there has been any down side or value destruction in adopting these innovations? Why/Why not?
There are definitely many downsides to it. There are numerous debates as with the introduction of the Internet, privacy concerns is one of the main downsides. Due to applications like Facebook and other social media, personal information is freely available and can be accessed anywhere.
Because of the Internet, it has reduced our brain functions. E.g. we can now search everything on the Internet instead of reading books and researching, even though it makes it easy for us, it is not predominately benefiting us.