The beginning of black militancy in the United States is said to have begun with the chants “Black Power” demanded by Stokely Carmichael and Willie Ricks during the 1966 March against Fear. While Carmichael and Ricks may have coined the phrase “black power”, the roots of the movement had been planted long before by Mr. Robert F. Williams. In Timothy Tyson’s book: Radio Free Dixie: Robert F. Williams and the Roots of Black Power, Tyson details the life of a remarkable man who had the audacity not only to challenge racial injustice in America but also to contest the rarely disputed strategies of Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights Establishment.
Tyson uses Williams life to illustrate his central thesis: how both the Civil Rights Movement and Black Power Movement emerged from the same roots, confronted similar predicaments, and ultimately were fighting for the same thing: justice and freedom for blacks in America. Historians have customarily portrayed the civil rights movement as a nonviolent call on America's conscience juxtaposing he subsequent rise of Black Power as a violent repudiation of the civil rights dream. As Robert Williams's story demonstrates, independent black political action, grassroots organizing, and armed self-reliance all operated in the South in conjunction with legal efforts and nonviolent protest. Tyson’s use of biography allows the readers to better relate to the experiences of Robert Williams therefore emphasizing the parallels and common threads between the two movements. For example, it could just has easily been Dr. King, as a young boy that happened to witness that elderly black woman being beaten by a racist police officer; and the likelihood that any black person could have witnessed a similar event during that time period, unfortunately is quite likely. With the scene that Tyson created, it becomes instantly relatable and of course it would seem only rational to retaliate; the