I am honing my communication skills already in the clinical setting while working with patients. In my first week, I learned that I have to speak up and state instructions very clearly since most of my patients are elderly. I have a tendency to talk fast and mumble, so that is something I am working very hard to change. I am also sharpening my time management skills. I knew the program was tough, but I did not anticipate how tough! I am working on my daily routine to include necessary time to study, but also have time to relax. While working with patients, I did not expect some conditions to be too bad. It surprised me that a couple patients could not do simple tasks or positions. I learned, and am still learning, how to work around their comfort and pain levels to achieve a good
I am honing my communication skills already in the clinical setting while working with patients. In my first week, I learned that I have to speak up and state instructions very clearly since most of my patients are elderly. I have a tendency to talk fast and mumble, so that is something I am working very hard to change. I am also sharpening my time management skills. I knew the program was tough, but I did not anticipate how tough! I am working on my daily routine to include necessary time to study, but also have time to relax. While working with patients, I did not expect some conditions to be too bad. It surprised me that a couple patients could not do simple tasks or positions. I learned, and am still learning, how to work around their comfort and pain levels to achieve a good