I. Introduction
A. (Opening Device) I’m sure most of you in here have broken, fractured, or sprained something in your body before. And you had to take that dreadful trip to the ER after whatever crazy and or stupid thing you just did. Or it might even just been from you playing the sport you love. My favorite part of that trip is when they finally bring in the x-rays and you get to see the part of your body that should not look like it does in the picture. I’d love to share how some of the equipment they use to see these things work!
B. (Thesis Statement) When I grow up, I want to be a radiologist.
C. (Preview of Main Points) In order to help you understand more about what radiology is and how it’s used is so many different ways ill use 3 main points: first what radiologists actually do and devices they use; second, what the average salary of a radiologist is today; and third, diseases radiologists can help detect
II. Body
A. Radiologists are medical doctors that specialize in using x-rays and radioactive substances to diagnose bones and treat illnesses. 1. Some ways things wrong with your body are found.
a. According to Who is a Radiologist, posted on the website of Ranzcr.edu, accessed on September 12, 2013, many of the uses include: X-ray technology, computerized tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound, and nuclear medicine imaging.
b. The difference between all these forms of radiology are some are used to detect broken bones, some used to detect muscles and stuff going on with your organs, and many other uses including seeing your baby for the first time. 2. Average salary of a radiologist.
a. The average starting salary of a radiologist ranges from 50-80,000 dollars a year depending on your location confirmed by “Career of a Radiologist,” authored by Diane Turner, an MD, on salarysite.com, dated 2012.
b. After 3 years of working as a radiologist, experts determined that the average salary then rises to