(a drug) has been injected into their body.
The effects on society are both positive and negative. The positives would be that the machine gives the doctors and patients clear and reliable information of the situation.
This is because when the radiopharmaceutical is injected into the patient's body with a specific organ to target, it creates gamma rays and that is when the gamma camera will detect it. Following another method of imaging procedures may not be as swift and reliable as using a gamma camera. So with this if a person is suffering from a disease/illness caused by an organ, then through the use of gamma camera, this may help …show more content…
them understand what could possibly be happening. Also the use of gamma ray will less expensive, so this will encourage society that it if anyone has any worries of their physical condition then they can at least consider the use of nuclear medicines if that is the case. Furthemore, with the gamma camera may detect any abnormalities in a person's body well before it develops into something greater, so the effects that this will have on the society will be encouraging because if they know that a machine like the gamma camera has the potential to detect if anything is wrong, then this will give the doctors and patients time to assess the situation and work out a possible solution.
The negatives would be that a patient may be allergic to a certain radiopharmaceutical and therefore this will not be a good method for that patient to follow.
Even though that this is unlikely to happen for most people, this will be discouraging on society because the idea of traces alone being injected into the body may be worrying to some people. Now if they hear that an allergic reaction could happen then they most likely be turned down with the idea even …show more content…
Furthermore, as the process follows an injection into the body, pain may happen when the radiopharmaceutical is injected and this can be healed as time goes on.
It is a method used in nuclear medicines to treat patients that may have brain tumors and other brain illnesses. This method follows radiation that has been made to be highly focused and to be directed into the patient’s head.
The effects on society are both positives and negatives. The positives would be that the method does not follow any form of surgical cut to complete the procedure, this would mean that there would be no direct contact or cuts to the brain. In addition the procedure does not involve any anesthesia, therefore the patient will not be unconscious and will not suffer any side effects.
Another positives of this would be if a patient has a brain tumour that is seemingly impossible to cure, the use of gamma knife may help, this is a positive effect on society because when they hear about the procedure that may think that there is a possibility that their illness can be cured and give them hope.
Furthemore, the process follows a accuracy meaning that the radiation being transmitted is specifically targeted, this is a positive effect on society because they may be anxious that the radiation will affect the rest of their body in a huge away.
The negatives would be that there will be side-effects after the procedure. The side effects will be different to every people depending on their condition. However, the common side effects that happen through all patients include: tiredness, dizziness, sickness, etc.. Even though generally a patient should not have a great deal of side effects seeing as the procedure only tries to target the area that needs attention.
The major similarity that the two procedures have is the use of radiation to complete its procedure, specifically gamma. Both procedures are used in the field of nuclear medicine to help treat and understand illnesses in the body.
The major differences between the two procedures is the way that they are done. The gamma camera follows direct contact with the patient's body as radiopharmaceuticals need to be injected, whereas in gamma knife it does not but just simply the rays of radiation being aimed to the
In terms of effects of society and public perception, they have similarities. This is because the use of radiation can startle people. Perhaps when the majority of the society/public hears the word “radiation”, they instantaneously have the idea that it is harmful after events like the Fukushima disaster in Japan in 2011 and Chernobyl disaster in Russia in 1986. Even when doctors and experts may say that radiation can be used for a good purpose to treat illnesses, it may be hard for society/public to take this in with the constant idea that there can be consequences if things are not done correctly.
An example of a pressure group that is fighting against the use of nuclear physics to create nuclear products/weapons is the ‘International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons’. They have contributed in influencing people to join their cause by holding civil event inviting a large number of people to encourage more people to ban against nuclear physics. They did this after Norway held a meeting to show the consequences that nuclear physics can cause if scientists continue to create products/weapons.