Money makes people’s lives easier up to a certain point, after that, more money would not necessarily make you fell happier or more successful. Continuing to desire money will result in making a person miserable since there will never be enough. Nonetheless, success should be determined by true contentment, and from within, having a meaning in our lives behind money. Being successful should not have to require validations from others, however it should boil down to what your unique meaning of success is. Real success comes from living your life in accordance with your own true nature, and being yourself. Every American should received equal opportunity and to achieve this the government should help to level the playing field. With substantial policy changes that promotes the quality of opportunity to every American, one will be able to become
Money makes people’s lives easier up to a certain point, after that, more money would not necessarily make you fell happier or more successful. Continuing to desire money will result in making a person miserable since there will never be enough. Nonetheless, success should be determined by true contentment, and from within, having a meaning in our lives behind money. Being successful should not have to require validations from others, however it should boil down to what your unique meaning of success is. Real success comes from living your life in accordance with your own true nature, and being yourself. Every American should received equal opportunity and to achieve this the government should help to level the playing field. With substantial policy changes that promotes the quality of opportunity to every American, one will be able to become