The story begins with the mention of the arrival of the Negro man in New York where one white family lives. After that the author gives a brief description of a black man who comes to see his beloved and points out that for Mother he doesn’t act as other Negroes do. Further on Doctorow digresses from the subject to the scene where Coalhouse Walker is not welcomed by Sarah who refuses to see him. But he doesn`t lose his courage and here the author goes on to say that beginning with that Sunday he appears every week in the hope of meeting Sarah. Next the author gives a summary of one Sunday when the Negro man informs the family of his profession as a pianist in a well-known orchestra in New York. He proves to be a man of talent by playing ragtime for the family. Here the author makes a few critical remarks on the fact that none of the family excepting Mother`s Younger Brother know ragtime: all they have a sketchy knowledge of this form of music of Black US origin. The story ends with the black pianist’s going away after his superb performance.
A cracked bell can never sound well
Треснутый колокол уже никогда хорошо звенеть не будет
За прекрасной внешностью может скрываться низкая душа
Лису в одну и ту же ловушку дважды не поймаешь
Человек слов, а не дел, что сад полный сорняков
Actions speak louder than words
Поступки говорят громче, чем слова
He все хлеба из одной печи
Гнев и спешка затемняют рассудок
Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all
Лучше любить и потерять, чем не любить вообще
Blind men can judge no colours
Слепые о красках судить не могут
Draw not your bow till your arrow is fixed
He натягивай лука, пока не приладил стрелу
Every man has his hobby-horse
У всякого