The first thing Rahab thing did to please God was that she hid two Hebrew spies. One night two spies went to Rahab and her family's tavern and started asking Rahab questions. Because of her Feminine Genius qualities she was very …show more content…
She knew the spies needed to leave because they weren't in a safe city. Their plan was that Rahab would leave a red cord hanging out the window. After the men climbed through the window, they would go to the hills and hide there for three days. By then, the soldiers would be gone. The red cord would also allow the soldiers to know which house to leave alone. The plan was executed perfectly and the spies returned to Joshua and told him about their experience. Rahab's Feminine Genius trait of looking at things into the future and not just the now, helped her strategize through this tough situation.
As the trumpets sounded, people shouted, and the walls fell down, Jerichos end began. Every living thing was brutally murdered except for Rahab and her family. Joshua had followed his explicit instructions not to harm Rahab's family in any way. In the end Rahab had to abandon the people of Jericho to save herself and her family. This was, of course her only option, but sometimes you have to be brutal to stay alive. Even though Rahab was a prostitute, God used her to to help his people. Out of the 4 women in the bible, which are Ruth, Tamar,Bathsheba, and Rahab, Rahab is the women who surprises us the