26th February 2013
Madam Speaker, I rise to present before this august House the
Revised Estimates for 2012-13 and a statement of estimated receipts and expenditure for 2013-14. I do so with mixed feelings crossing my mind.
While I have a feeling of a colossus today, it is only ephemeral and is instantaneously overtaken by a sense of humility. Democracy gives wings to the wingless, cautioning us all the while, that howsoever high or wide our flight may be, we must remain connected to the ground.
For giving me this opportunity, I am grateful to the Hon’ble Prime
Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh and the UPA Chairperson, Smt. Sonia
Gandhi and pay my homage to the sacred memory of Sh. Rajiv Gandhi who introduced me to the portals of this highest Temple of Indian democracy. 2.
Madam Speaker, as I proceed, my thought goes to a particularly severe cold spell during the recent winter, when it was snowing heavily in Kashmir valley, and suspension of road and air services had brought life to a grinding halt. Photographs in Newspapers showing a train covered with snow emerging from a similar white background, carrying passengers travelling over the recently commissioned Qazigund Baramulla section instilled in me a sense of immense pride.
I recall here the inspirational words of Christine Weatherly:
When you travel on the railway,
And the line goes up a hill,
Just listen to the engine
As it pulls you with a will.
Though it goes very slowly
It sings this little song
“I think I can, I think I can,”
And so it goes along.
That is the strength of this organization, supported by determination, commitment and dedication to duty demonstrated by each member of the 14 lakh strong Rail Parivar.
Indian Railways is a vital organisation, playing an unparalleled role in integrating the nation. From Baramulla in the north to
Kanyakumari in the south, Dwarka in the West