that they needed to be organized, otherwise, they had no chance to get what they wanted from the industrialist.
that they needed to be organized, otherwise, they had no chance to get what they wanted from the industrialist.
The united states was affected by the pullman strike in the way that all railroads were used by everyone in a commute manner. When the workers decided that they would be going on strike it not only affected them and their income but every other company that was relying on the railroad carts for goods and other imported items from all over the country. The pullman company sent railroad carts all over the country which was affected when the carts weren’t moving due to the fact that they relied heavily on them. When the Pullman workers ceased to cooperate with the company and withdrew from their work responsibilities many others whom were dependent on the carts began to realize that the workers had decided that they could no longer tolerate the…
The Great Railroad Strike of 1877 was known as the first major walkout in U.S. History that started during the Panic of 1873. The railroad company in a move they thought would slow the bleeding decided that they would make up their lost profits by cutting the workers’ pay by 10% and make them work longer hours. As a result, the employees decided to avoid coming to work and eventually set up a blockade at the entrance to not allow any of the others to come through. In support of this act, several other industries from around the country joined in on the incursion, which led to the president getting involved and sending out the Army to end the strike that only lasted three weeks. Although President Hayes was supportive of what the employees were trying to do he understood that it was more important to take care of the businesses.…
The Great Railroad strike was one of the biggest strikes in history to this date, and was a big fault on the government and the railroad system. Not to mention it was supported by up to 100,000 workers around the US. It was also not peaceful, as up to 50 got killed and almost 500 were affected by this strike, as it didn’t let rail cars through slowing production because they didn’t have the supplies in the…
80,000 railroad workers in 11 states and affected twothirds of the nation’s railways. Angry strikers…
In chapter 15 it talks about the end of World War I temporarily brought prosperity to the United States. With its influence growing in the world, the mixture of big business and government was increasingly looking to expand American power overseas. There was still dissatisfaction at home with the pace of reforms. The AFL and the IWW staged a general strike in Seattle in 1919 that resulted in 100,000 workers walking off the job. This strike was put down by violence despite the worker’s adherence to peaceful protest. Several prominent labor leaders were imprisoned and a mass lynching occurred…
The Great Railroad Strike of 1877 began in the month of July and started off in a town called Martinburg which was located in the state of West Virginia. What lead up The Great Railroad Strike of 1877 was a depression that started in September of 1873. The depression had a hold on the country that included wage cuts, evictions, breadlines, and layoffs. Many Americans suffered for the rest of the year as well as throughout the year of 1874. Even though 1874 was a hard year for Americans it was also the year that the union began to try and demand higher wages for the working class, as well as organize workers and the union even tried to make shorter work days. The result came to little or no success, because at that time the second largest employer in America was the railroad system, the first…
What made the difference were the women who went and helped their husband by feeding them and also created commotion on the outside. They also would sit on the front lines and would block and stall for the workers inside. These strikes really promoted the joining of unions and in the end it made working conditions for the workers better and got better pay. The Wagner Act was a very good addition for the blue collar workers, and in general made an impact in benefiting and fighting back against the…
Debt was the biggest problem for these workers. Jennie Curtis couldn’t pay even $3 out of her own pocket each day and any money she did have extra of, she would put in the bank to cover her rent. Theodore Rhodie, a painter, explained that it was virtually impossible to make a living while working for Pullman. Usually making a total of $9 per hundred in the fall, it cut down to $4.25 during the strike; showing just how bad the wages were cut. He said that there was much more than debt that led to the strike. Things like abuse by the company, not being able to pay rent, grocery shopping debt, and so on make people feel the need to speak up for what they…
Throughout the end of the 19th century, coal miners tried to Unionize. They believed this protected them from management. In 1902 Anthracite coal miners began a strike which divided the nation. This strike greatly influenced American labor relations for a generation. The coal miners union still struggled to be recognized. Management refused to recognize the Union. They believed it trampled on their rights to run their business any way they please. However the union undertook the dangerous task of organizing coal miners. In 1902 they decided to strike for the miners’ job security. The Union further sought to improve the miners’ standard of living. With the help of J.P. Morgan, the federal government established a commission to settle, and hopefully…
Since there was no groundwork to rationalize and show examples of the success of organized labor, it was nearly impossible to make it work at this time. If unions were going to work, striking would have to be effective and clearly, they weren't. In the 1860's, the National Labor Union was formed to unify workers in fighting for higher wages, an 8 hour work day and various social causes and it set the stage for many failing unions to come. In 1877, railroad workers in this union from across the country took part in an enormous strike that resulted in mass violence and very few reforms. Afterwards, a editorial in The New York Times stated: "the strike is apparently hopeless, and must be regarded as nothing more than a rash and spiteful demonstration of resentment by men too ignorant or too reckless to understand their own interests" (Document B). This editorial, which was clearly in favor of labor reforms, was acknowledging that this method of fighting was not going to work for the laborers at this time. A failure of this magnitude so early on in the movement should have been enough to put it to halt, however, year after year, strikes were breaking and little was being done in the workers favors. In 1892, workers at the Homestead Steel Plant near Pittsburg walked…
In 1894, a breakthrough in American labor history was made. This innovation is commonly known as Pullman Strike, where an extensive raid was turned down by the federal government. The strikes impact was enormous and had wedged a great deal of our country resulting in dozens of people being killed in violent clashes. The Pullman Strike was a bitter dispute between workers and company management, it also had played a great part in the labor movement.…
The strike of 1877 started on July 14th in Martinsburg, West Virginia in response to the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad cutting wages of workers for the third time in a year. Striking workers would not allow any of the trains, mainly freight trains, to roll until this third wage cut was revoked. The governor sent in state militia units to restore train service, but the soldiers refused to use force against the strikers. The governor then called for federal troops. The National Guard was sent to handle the situation. Calls for military suppression of labor strikes grew louder, and that meant National Guard units had to…
This strike had a positive impact on the lives of the workers since after the end of it all they were able to get an increase in they pay. In addition, the conditions had an advantage on the company since it was able to make huge productions and huge profits because of making the employees work for a very long time.…
When I think of railroads and trains, I am in awe. I love them so much. But with the love I have for them, it holds me to higher responsibilities. I know how dangerous they are and should not fool around them . That also includes no horsing around railroad crossings. Trains are going too fast and are too big to just stop suddenly. One of the videos talked about a train conductor and asked him about railroad crossing safety. He mentioned that he had actually taken a life because the person was not aware that there was a train coming at 45 miles per hour. To many accidents happen with trains and other vehicles for too many times that we can prevent. The guy mentioned that maybe if the person simply looked both ways to see the train, he would have never hit the vehicle and accidentally kill that person. What I noticed in the second video is that friends were there to help them make the right choices, usually the passenger or the friend leading the other one. It is good that the friend is their to help, but what will that person do when they are alone without the guidance and wisdom from their friends. They will become the one of many causalities that we could have prevented. We should all be the person that recognizes the dangers whether we be the driver or the passenger. Now when we cross railroads we should be wary of a trains presence and look for one whether the lights are shining or not. What if the power is not working? You could be dead or seriously injured. We need to make sure we can see not only in our direct vision but our peripheral vision as well. So if that means you have to become uncool for all of 5 seconds and take of your hood, then do it. It is not worth a life to be cool. You should be able to hear the train as well not just see it or the lights flashing but to hear the sound of the engine or horn. No song is that important to listen to, no beat is good enough then your life. 10 times out of 10, whenever a human being has challenged a train, they…
Iron became steel, oil refining became electric light and power, and the railroad system seized the American economy. “The railroads became America’s first big business” and therefore sparked the creation of 55,000 jobs. (Roark et al. 542). With the need for railroads came the need for steel and Andrew Carnegie became the steel guru of the 1870’s. His workers “achieved the output Carnegie demanded by enduring low wages, dangerous working conditions, and twelve-hour days six days a week.” (Roark et al. 547). This was the beginning of treacherous factory work that industrial workers would continue to endure in the…