“Questions now emerge: Shall the investigation of the nature of these scandals be left alone to the lawyers or to the political scientists, or to the lawmakers, or to the judges, or to the President alone, or to the NBI and the police?” A definite no, in my opinion. A sheet of transparency must be thrown over to replace and remove the curtains in which the government is hiding their actions. Why should the government continue to hide their movements despite them saying they are doing everything that is for the good of the people? If they have nothing to hide and be ashamed of, why cower in fear behind lies and blackmails? If they are doing nothing wrong, why stutter and avoid the media and asked if a rumor was true? If we leave the investigations to the ones with power, then what is the point of trying to tackle the problem of hegemonic tendencies in the country? We must honor the weak, the just, and poor. “If we leave the assessment and judgment of these scandalous phenomena to the judges alone, or to any legitimate authority, how could the poor, the defenseless, the exploited legitimize her claim?” Exactly. It is as if we asked a serial killer to lead the investigation on his own case. So let me end this criticism with Jean-Francois Lyotard. “The answer is: Let us wage a war on totality; let us be witnesses to the unpresentable; let us activate the differences and save the honor of the name.”
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