Autism is a developmental disability caused by neurological dysfunction. It affects the way a person understands and responds to the world, how they hear, see, feel, sense, perceive and interpret everything around them. This may affect how they eat, sleep, dress, work, spend leisure time etc. They are likely to have repetitive behaviour patterns and restricted repetitive interests. Individuals with an autistic spectrum condition can have difficulties with language and communicating with others and with social interactions and relationships because there is an impairment of 2 way verbal and non verbal communication and impairment of flexible thinking and social imagination. People with autism can often have accompanying learning difficulties but everyone with the condition shares a difficulty in making sense of the world. Inflexibility and restrictiveness in activities and interests can lead to a person on the autistic spectrum having difficulty relating to others and making friends, an inability to engage in imaginary play, it can lead to ritualistic behaviours , obsessions and fears.…
Children with autism are unresponsive to others, uncommunicative, repetitive, and rigid their symptoms usually appear before the age of three. An autistic individual will have difficulty sustaining employment, accomplishing household responsibilities, and leading independent lives. Furthermore, they express having problems displaying closeness and empathy and have limited interests and activities. The characteristics seem to be pronounced as indifferent in physical care and affectionate expressive interest in those who are taking care of them. Verbal communication and language impairments and inability…
The article ’’ The Kids Who Beat Autism” written by Ruth Padawer describes two cases where the children with relatively same age and treatment for autism. Their parents met at a conference in Newport and states that they no longer respond to the family and have almost same symptoms and behavioral pattern. Both families made a decision to ask the help from A.B.A specialist from the University of California. The specialist spend and direct 35 hours per week, one-on-one sessions with each of the patient. After a…
Formerly known as Asperger syndrome and pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS); ASD is an undefined and cluster of multiple symptoms: cognitive, communicative, and sensory. According to Morrison (2014), “Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a heterogeneous neurodevelopmental disorder with widely varying degrees and manifestations that has both genetic and environmental causes.” Symptoms of ASD can be seen in children as early as 6 months of age. However, not all children show signs early some children don’t show symptoms until 2 years of age. Many students due to the lack of knowledge and acceptance about ASD many children aren’t diagnoses or introduced to early interventions until they enter school, and even then some students may go under the raider because their high intellectual ability. Some symptoms that might be seen in students with ASD are: unable to play pretend games, avoid eye contact, trouble interrupting the feelings of others (including non-verbal communication), having trouble with delayed speech and language skills, over reacts to change is schedule or routine, obsessive interest, and answers questions with unrelated answers. In my experience these students lack peer communication, they often have no friends, and some prefer to play alone, peers or adults cannot comfort when they become upset. Individuals with ASD may suffer acutely from some symptoms and mildly from…
Sam is a 16-year-old boy who struggles with autism every day. He was born six weeks premature. Weighing two pounds ten ounces, he remained in the hospital 6 weeks on account of his low birth weight, respiratory distress, and intraventricular hemorrhage. At the age of 12 months, his mom noticed that Sam was delayed on his speech, language, and cognitive development. At that time, he was placed in basic therapy. This therapy taught him to communicate with others through pictures, and gestures. Currently Sam is 16 and has a developmental equivalent of a two years old (Emily Rubin 1). The article, “History of Autism ”, reports “In the 1940s, researchers in the United States began to use the term “autism” to describe children with emotional and social problems” (par. 4). Dr. Kanner from Johns Hopkins University would use this term on a study, which he performed on several withdrawn children. Until the 1960’s, some researchers would continue to misdiagnose between autism and schizophrenia. Soon after medical professionals began to unravel the understanding of autism (par. 4-5). Autism can be defined as, “A developmental disorder that appears in the first 3 years of life, and affect the brain’s normal development of social and communication skills” (Autism par.…
Autism belongs to a collection of developmental disorders known as the autism spectrum disorder. Autism is defined as a ‘lifelong condition that impinges on how an individual communicates with and relates to others’ (Gray, 2007). Most of the symptoms are seen from the age of 2 to 3 years when being noticed by the health care professionals and diagnosed (Aylott, 2000). For instance, repetitive behaviours, communication problems, difficulties with social interaction, being over under sensitive to sight, sound, smell, touch and test. Numbers of diagnosed cases have increased in the last 2 decades which may be due to health professionals getting better at diagnosing the cases at an early stage (NHS choice, 2011). There are over 50,000 people in UK with autism and including the families, autism touches the life of over 2,000,000 people everyday (National Autistic Society, 2011). In England estimated figures show that about 1 in 100 children have autism. Boys are three to four times more likely to develop autism than girls (Kay, 2007).…
Autism also known as Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a group of disorders of brain development. These disorders are described such as difficulties in social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication and repetitive behaviors. People with Autism can have problems with intellectual disability, difficulties in motor coordination and attention and physical health issues such as sleep and gastrointestinal disturbances.…
"Building Our Future: Educating Students on the Autism Spectrum." Autism Society of America. Autism Society. Web. 6 Nov. 2010.…
According to the article, “Autism Speaks-Autism Recurs in Families More often than Previously Realized”, about every one in five siblings develop autism. Autism is higher in brothers than in sisters(Dawson). When a child has autism the severity of the disability can have many different ranges and it can affect social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication. Parents of children with autism are great advocates to their children because the parents just want them to strive in life and to be able to face any challenges that come their way without worrying if they are going to get too stressed out or possibly have a meltdown. These special groups of parents are great advocates towards children with autism because the parents…
Autism is a disability which affects how a person relates and communicates with others. Children with autism find it difficult to understand facial expressions or the tone of a voice. They can feel lonely and cut off from society as they avoid social interaction. This could affect their ability to development or interact in social settings or in the classroom.…
Autism is a lifelong, developmental disability that affects how an individual communicates and relates to other people, and how they experience the world around them.someone with autism sees, hears and feels th eworkd differently to others. It is a spectrum disability so while people with autism will share similar difficulties, it will affect each person differently. Some autistic people say the world feels overwhelming which can cause considerable anxiety. Understanding and relatingto people and taking part in every day life can be hard.…
Now, for you who may be unfamiliar with the word “autism”, it's a complex brain disorder that affects social communication, learning, and sometimes physical skills. It manifests in each individual differently. Across the world every 20 minutes one new person is diagnosed with autism. And although it's one of the fastest growing developmental disorders in the world, there is no known cause or cure. I cannot remember the first time I encountered autism, but I cannot recall a day without it. I was just 3 years old when my younger brother came along and I was so excited that I'd have some new being in my life. After a few months went by, myself as well as the rest of my family soon realized he was different. He screamed a lot, he didn't want to play like the other young kids did, and in fact, he didn't seem very interested in me whatsoever. CJ lived and…
These conditions can not be cured, but treatment can help. Sam’s mental capacity shows autistic tendencies but is not autism. Some other symptoms/actions shown by Sam was repetitive behavior and speech, difficulty understanding concepts, limited math skills, unaware of social rules, and displayed childlike behavior. It also can be due to the Stages of Development (Erikson’s 8 stages), Sam’s development only developed to the early school ages which is ages 6-12, and his development is at age…
As a young child, I was different than other children. I talked to my mother, but was not able to talk or communicate with teachers, friends or strangers. By first grade I was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Because I was unable to communicate and I also had sensory and other issues related to my ASD I was placed in a special education school. The small class size allowed me to learn, but I was not progressing with my social and communication skills. My mother recognized that I needed opportunities beyond traditional speech therapy and enrolled me in acting and music classes and took me often to the theater. I enjoyed the classes and found that I loved music and arts. My father is musician, so in addition to my classes,…
Q: What are the barriers of learning for a learner with autism/Aspergers in Performing Arts and can Performing Arts support the learning of a learner diagnosed with Autism/Aspergers?…