2) It is up to you to determine if volunteering for one of our clients will result in a conflict of interest.…
When it opened in 1914, the Apollo Theatre crowded with musicians, comedians, and other people who wanted to show off their talents. Most of these artists started their stardom here, playing last minute gigs just to be heard or to earn a quick buck. People like Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, James Brown, and Luther Vandross had the opportunity to perform their, starting their stardom and their fandom for that matter. Back then it was used to make money, but now it is a “respected not-for-profit” facility used for presenting concerts, performing arts, education and community outreach programs (Apollo History - Apollo Theatre).…
When assessing the situation or argument you are in, you have to use practical wisdom to be considered a sensible person to your audience. In order to get the audience to trust you, you may consider showing off your experience, bending the rules, and taking the middle…
persuade audiences to adhere to a given position through consensus building. Students need to write an…
The organization must engage only in activities that pursue its purpose. Essentially, activities should align with the nonprofit’s mission.…
The main difference between non-profit and for profit healthcare organizations are; Non-profit hospitals don’t need to pay property, sales or income taxes and receive grants from the government and through donations. They were designed to provide discounted fees for service or no fee to those in the surrounding communities with limited to no funds for healthcare, basically the poor or those who fall within the guidelines of those below poverty level. The tax exemptions that they receive also reduce the contribution to the community benefits. There has been a widely known study and some controversy that “20-80% of non-profit hospitals are failing to make the necessary societal contributions equal to the amount of taxes they are exempted from”. In Texas a law has passes that requires non-profit hospitals offer charity care that equals in value to their tax exemptions. For profit hospitals income is provided through their daily operations, (i.e. billing patients). There are stockholders and investors which the hospitals share or distribute a portion of the profits. Since the for-profit hospitals are not tax exempt one tax in specific; property tax, is filtered back into the community and contributes to their benefit as a whole.…
Hochberger, J. (2012) Getting others to understand and accept your ideas, Retreived Sep. 10, 2012 from: http://www.EffectivePresentationSkills.com…
American politics is not a pure democracy, and has not been since its founding. Rather, it is a representative democracy, with elected selected by the elite few at the county’s founding, white men later down the road, all men even farther, then all citizens. However the introduction of Super PACs seem to tilt back the already money leaning scale to a time where more and more politicians focus on less and less funders.…
An individual can influence a group of people just by being different. The group obviously has to have people with different talents, characteristics, or experiences. In order to influence each person, a person should consider the other person’s point of view and make the argument in terms he or she understands. Of course, there also has to be a person who likes standing out, who likes being the center of attention. In addition, there can’t be a person who will stand alone without an explanation or knowledge. These individuals might be more difficult to influence; it is probably a good idea to focus on the others.…
This paper explores articles and research conducted on nonprofit versus For-Profit Healthcare and Organizations. There are three types of entities that own hospitals, which are: nonprofit, for-profit, and government. However, it can’t be determined if they specialize in different medical services or how their service profits affect certain specializations. More than likely, the for-profits offer profitable medical services that benefit the organization, which would lead to believe that the nonprofits are in the middle, leaving the government with offering the unprofitable services. The for-profits are also quite responsive to the changes associated with service profitability than the nonprofit or government entities. Therefore, it would be necessary to evaluate the value of nonprofit hospital ownership and differentiate between the service offerings amongst the hospital types. Looking into the ways that for-profit hospitals make profits, it would be necessary to take into consideration the geographical location versus the well insured citizens that are located within the area. This paper also looks into the assumption that all general hospitals are relatively alike in the services provided, regardless of ownership…. but also that these entities would vary in their patient mixture. In my research, this paper is for the recognition of profit making and to introduce the idea that for-profit healthcare and organizations are more opt to decide on which medical services to offer based on the service profitability.…
Know the audience you want to persuade: You need to get an idea of what your audience already knows about the problem or issue. Ask yourself, has your audience been influenced by misconceptions, does your audience have a narrow perspective, is your audience as clear on the problem or issue as you are, and more. Getting to know your audience as much as possible will help you to persuade them by using the answers to these questions to present your ideas.…
Successful nonprofits must be resourceful. Providing tremendous resources to the nonprofit community is The Foundation Center. The Foundation Center (2011a) is a national, nonprofit service organization that connects nonprofits and grant makers to useful tools and information. (Dustin, 2013) Two of the non-database resources I found most interesting was 1) Newsletters and 2) IN-Person Training.…
In the United States, there are many different types of non-profit organizations. These organizations help with many things, like building homes, protecting wildlife and animals, and giving people food. These organizations are also made to help enforce some of the laws. Without organizations like MADD, ASPCA, and Habitat for Humanity, our community would be worse than it is now.…
To begin my inquiry about a loan from the department’s discretionary fund, I kept the register formal and avoided using a pleading tone so that I came off as competent and not desperate. I proposed a deal to the Chair, “In order to pay back this loan, I would organize a bake sale fundraiser through the Cognitive Science Club”. This tactic makes my request hard to refuse because not only would I earn back the money, but I would also be promoting the club and the department at the same time. It would be a disservice to his constituency to decline my request and puts him in a position that almost guarantees his cooperation. In this regard, I appealed to the Chair’s emotional interests in his academic commitments. I also ensured the Chair of my responsible reputation by securely guarding the true circumstances of my financial instability, only disclosing that “I recently ran into financial trouble”. This lack of transparency is more effective for this specific audience, for being honest would ruin my chances of persuading him to provide…
Charity is a kind of virtue that involves an infinite amount of love and kindness. Charity can be express by the act of giving and caring. The question is does everything a person who lacks charity does is a sin? The virtue of charity is significant to Aquinas’s moral philosophy. By doing charity makes you a better person? Does a person who lacks charity is a sinner? In Secunda Secundae Partis Q. 23, A.7, the text expresses that Aquinas does not believe that everything a person who lacks charity does is a sin. The purpose of charity is to correct our sins or wrongdoings. Second, charity itself helps us to be closer to God, who is perfect compare to humans. Aquinas believes that it is possible for those for someone, who loves God to sin against charity. It can be possible when someone has desires or fears that it is beyond out of our control. We must practice those moral virtues that decrease our sins and make the act of charity easier. Charity, the moral…