Affirmative Side of the Case
First Affirmative Constructive Speech
Resolved; The legal driving age in New Hampshire should be changed to 18 in the US.
I will now define unclear terms Legal Driving Age Established or founded upon law.
NeurologicalThe medical science that deals with the brain and the disorders affecting it.
Gray Matter Grey nerve tissue in the brain that when developed controls things like how we make choices.
Cognitive Skills (Cognitive skills include things like memory, the ability to learn new information, speech, understanding of written material and most importantly choice making, these are not developed fully until the late 20’s all information in accordance with
My partner and I will cover the case with the following contentions:
1) There is many dangers of irresponsible teenage drivers.
2) We will explain the neuroscience of the slowly developing young adolescents brain and what is has to do with teenage driving.
3) We will educate the audience, our worthy opponents and the judge about the statistics of teenagers behind the wheel.
4) We use examples of the harm that is caused by teenage drivers and their surroundings and also the plans we would like to implement in order to make the statistics go down.
What if you were the parent of a 15 yearold boy named Chris, who left with his 16 year old friend Tommy, who recently received his licenses last month, at 11 O’clock at night you get a phone call from the police asking if you could come down to the station to identify your only sons body that was so severely damaged from a double roll over on I95 that caused by the drivers lack of experience. This tragic event, is fictional, but a reality for the overwhelming amount of families that have to deal with the unbearable loss of their child from a car accident. Would you mourn in sorrow from the loss of your child or would take a stand and fight back use the tragedy