ID GA00787
Course Cert 4 in business
Establish Networks
Business Networking
is the network between similar bussinesses or related bussiness which get to gether to improve their own bussinesses by helping each other. It helps them build their business as well as satisfy more customers.
Large Firms vs Small business networks
Large firms network spread wider than small business but the diffrenace between the two types is that to be part of a large firm network you have to achieve a pre set level of success
for example fly over to china find out which factory manufactures the product which you selling for cheap and then talk to them about the quality and the price and compare the retail price if it is lower than the market retail price by 300 – 400 % then this factory is part of the bussiness network
it s nothing but they are giving better price only for people in their network not to everyone else
Online Bussiness Networking
Before online business networking, there existed face-to-face networking for business. This was achieved through a number of techniques such as trade show marketing and loyalty programs. Though these techniques have been proven to still be an effective source of income, many companies now focus more on online marketing due to the ability to track every detail of a campaign and justify the spend involved in setting up one of these campaigns.
Many business use networking as a key factor in their marketing plan. It helps to develop a strong feeling of trust between those involved and play a big part in raising the profile and takings of a company. suppliers and businesses can be seen as networked businesses, and will tend to source the business and their suppliers through their existing relationships and those of the companies they work closely with. Networked businesses tend to be open, random, and supportive, whereas those relying on hierarchical, traditional managed approaches are closed, selective, and