After some persuasion, the narrator agrees to join the cause, whose mission is to create “a better world for all people (304).” Due to the narrator’s great skill of captivating an audience, the members of the Brotherhood stage him to become the “new Booker T. Washington (307).” The narrator admits to feeling more human now that he has joined an organization with a set purpose. He is assigned a place to stay and even a new name, which contributes to his inner conflict of discovering who he really is. Throughout history, minorities have always struggled to become apart of the society they have lived in. During the 1950s blacks especially started to become more restless as their fight towards equality intensified. The cruel but subtle treatment they faced while trying to integrate themselves into society often led them to face identity crises, which is portrayed in Invisible Man. Although the narrator battles condescending treatment from both black and white members, the real conflict is within himself and discovering where he
After some persuasion, the narrator agrees to join the cause, whose mission is to create “a better world for all people (304).” Due to the narrator’s great skill of captivating an audience, the members of the Brotherhood stage him to become the “new Booker T. Washington (307).” The narrator admits to feeling more human now that he has joined an organization with a set purpose. He is assigned a place to stay and even a new name, which contributes to his inner conflict of discovering who he really is. Throughout history, minorities have always struggled to become apart of the society they have lived in. During the 1950s blacks especially started to become more restless as their fight towards equality intensified. The cruel but subtle treatment they faced while trying to integrate themselves into society often led them to face identity crises, which is portrayed in Invisible Man. Although the narrator battles condescending treatment from both black and white members, the real conflict is within himself and discovering where he