“Letter by letter; syllable by syllable, the child learns to read and in good time can convey to all the domestic circle the sense of Shakespeare” (Emerson 191). The teacher presents one way for her pupils to learn and that is the only correct way. The students have no room to be creative and to imagine new possibilities for completing a task. The teacher sees the student’s way as wrong. This forced method of teaching does not work for a student. He cannot focus and understand what the teacher explains so he gives up. He breaks down. He cries and hates school. This student has zero say in his education, so he has a false view of true learning and hates it. Providing students an opportunity to actually become involved with how they learn allows them to feel excited about learning. Sitting in a desk all day does not appeal to the learning style of most students, but they are sadly stuck with it in the modern learning environment of public
“Letter by letter; syllable by syllable, the child learns to read and in good time can convey to all the domestic circle the sense of Shakespeare” (Emerson 191). The teacher presents one way for her pupils to learn and that is the only correct way. The students have no room to be creative and to imagine new possibilities for completing a task. The teacher sees the student’s way as wrong. This forced method of teaching does not work for a student. He cannot focus and understand what the teacher explains so he gives up. He breaks down. He cries and hates school. This student has zero say in his education, so he has a false view of true learning and hates it. Providing students an opportunity to actually become involved with how they learn allows them to feel excited about learning. Sitting in a desk all day does not appeal to the learning style of most students, but they are sadly stuck with it in the modern learning environment of public