However, these examples are extremely large-scale, and this idea of being misunderstood to become great can even be evident in our own lives. I can remember a time when this aphorism connected to my life clearly in the second grade. Every day in school we did a math worksheet with one hundred addition problems. I was always the first one to finish, so my teacher decided to give me multiplication instead of addition. I understood the math right away, but no one in my class could get it at all. With no help from my teacher, I did all of the problems faster then any other kid did the addition, but they all sat there confused when they saw what I was doing. They did not understand what I was doing with the numbers whatsoever, when all it was to me was a little more complicated addition. No other kid understood how I got the answers that I got, but it did not matter to me at all. All that mattered to me was that in learning multiplication so early, I would be ahead of all the other students in my class, and I was every single year. This misunderstanding that I received was very important to me, for I realized
However, these examples are extremely large-scale, and this idea of being misunderstood to become great can even be evident in our own lives. I can remember a time when this aphorism connected to my life clearly in the second grade. Every day in school we did a math worksheet with one hundred addition problems. I was always the first one to finish, so my teacher decided to give me multiplication instead of addition. I understood the math right away, but no one in my class could get it at all. With no help from my teacher, I did all of the problems faster then any other kid did the addition, but they all sat there confused when they saw what I was doing. They did not understand what I was doing with the numbers whatsoever, when all it was to me was a little more complicated addition. No other kid understood how I got the answers that I got, but it did not matter to me at all. All that mattered to me was that in learning multiplication so early, I would be ahead of all the other students in my class, and I was every single year. This misunderstanding that I received was very important to me, for I realized