It reminds me of the Rambo’s of the Road story where two New Yorkers take out their anger on each other’s cars. In the episode I mention, two dogs are attached by leashes to opposing fire hydrants. The dogs bark ferociously at each other. They seem to want to bite the others’ head off. They kept pulling on the leash until they both broke at the same time from all the tugging. The dogs, instead of fighting like they were acting all tough about killing each other, they just stopped and walked away from each other with their heads down. The leashes are symbolic to the cars. The cars hold back the supposedly tough drivers until they actually get in a situation. We would not act the same if the things we said in the car we would say to the person’s face. I would convey the message that they were driving poorly with a more appropriate tone to the person but still try to get the point across. We feel like we are invisible in our little bubble of our car, so we are more inclined to act like whatever we do goes unnoticed. That is not the case, because other people reply quite
It reminds me of the Rambo’s of the Road story where two New Yorkers take out their anger on each other’s cars. In the episode I mention, two dogs are attached by leashes to opposing fire hydrants. The dogs bark ferociously at each other. They seem to want to bite the others’ head off. They kept pulling on the leash until they both broke at the same time from all the tugging. The dogs, instead of fighting like they were acting all tough about killing each other, they just stopped and walked away from each other with their heads down. The leashes are symbolic to the cars. The cars hold back the supposedly tough drivers until they actually get in a situation. We would not act the same if the things we said in the car we would say to the person’s face. I would convey the message that they were driving poorly with a more appropriate tone to the person but still try to get the point across. We feel like we are invisible in our little bubble of our car, so we are more inclined to act like whatever we do goes unnoticed. That is not the case, because other people reply quite