As will be discussed in class this Thursday (1/29/15), your first formal writing assignment is to write a standard 3 page essay, with a beginning (intro), middle (body), and end (conclusion). This is a Random Acts of Kindness paper and can be on any kind thing you choose to do over the weekend, or in the days after. Your Random Act of Kindness must be an original act, or based on examples I provide in class, and/or are generated by class discussion. Please base your essay on the specific act you chose to bestow. This must be a new “thing” that you do now, NOT a past act. Things to consider: why you chose your act, the reaction of the recipient, and how you felt during and after completing this assignment. For example - the first page may contain your initial thoughts (after you create a totally awesome first line “hook,” of course)when assigned this essay and your thought process in deciding what and when to do your RAOK; while the “body” of your paper (or page 2) may contain the process that you actually went through to carry out your RAOK; and lastly (or page 3) will conclude your experience, perhaps contain the reaction of the benefactor and how their reaction made you feel. All aspects of this assignment either have been or will be discussed and modeled in class. Your rough draft should be typed, MLA formatted, and be 3 full pages in length. You will need to bring a hard copy rough draft in to class for peer edits- remember, the more you bring in for peer edit, the more you have increased your opportunity for feedback and your ability to make informed revisions, but at the VERY least, you must bring in two FULL pages (that is not 1 and 1/2 pages or 1 page, that is TWO FULL pages) to receive credit. Your grade is a combination of following all directions, and submitting both your RD and your final paper on time, according to the due dates and instructions. Therefore, you must meet all aspects of the assignment to earn a grade higher
As will be discussed in class this Thursday (1/29/15), your first formal writing assignment is to write a standard 3 page essay, with a beginning (intro), middle (body), and end (conclusion). This is a Random Acts of Kindness paper and can be on any kind thing you choose to do over the weekend, or in the days after. Your Random Act of Kindness must be an original act, or based on examples I provide in class, and/or are generated by class discussion. Please base your essay on the specific act you chose to bestow. This must be a new “thing” that you do now, NOT a past act. Things to consider: why you chose your act, the reaction of the recipient, and how you felt during and after completing this assignment. For example - the first page may contain your initial thoughts (after you create a totally awesome first line “hook,” of course)when assigned this essay and your thought process in deciding what and when to do your RAOK; while the “body” of your paper (or page 2) may contain the process that you actually went through to carry out your RAOK; and lastly (or page 3) will conclude your experience, perhaps contain the reaction of the benefactor and how their reaction made you feel. All aspects of this assignment either have been or will be discussed and modeled in class. Your rough draft should be typed, MLA formatted, and be 3 full pages in length. You will need to bring a hard copy rough draft in to class for peer edits- remember, the more you bring in for peer edit, the more you have increased your opportunity for feedback and your ability to make informed revisions, but at the VERY least, you must bring in two FULL pages (that is not 1 and 1/2 pages or 1 page, that is TWO FULL pages) to receive credit. Your grade is a combination of following all directions, and submitting both your RD and your final paper on time, according to the due dates and instructions. Therefore, you must meet all aspects of the assignment to earn a grade higher