I spend a great amount of time in the downtown area, where I do not witness much kindness happening. Everyone seems to be in such a hurry that they barely make eye contact with others. I decided I would not only be kind to my family and friends, I decided I would also spend some time downtown and on the buses. I would be extra kind to everyone I came in contact with while downtown, and on the buses that I rode. This made the day very interesting and very rewarding.
On the morning of my “kindness day” I decided I would take my daughter to school instead of making her ride the bus. When I told her I was taking her, she looked very puzzled and asks me if she had missed her bus. We took the COTA bus to her school, which is a pretty long trip. This was a great opportunity to be kind to others on the bus. When we boarded the bus I made sure to make eye contact with the other passengers, smiled and said “good morning”, although most of the passengers did not make eye contact with there were a few that lit up and smiled back. I sat in the front of the bus so that I could greet anyone who boarded the bus. I got a lot of strange looks, after all it was pretty early and some had already decided they were having a bad day. My perkiness probably threatened that. When we arrived at my daughter’s school, I stopped to hold the door open for the other parents dropping their children off, also saying “good morning” with a smile. This time I got a lot of great responses, some ask me if I was a new teacher!! With my daughter at school it was time to head downtown to see how much kindness I could spread.
When I got off the bus I made sure to look the driver in the eye and tell him I appreciated the job that